• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2018



I DON'T BUCKING CARE!! · 10:15am May 23rd, 2012

I have a friend that have been in a car accident, and he is suppose to die in 1 and a-half year. I DON'T BUCKING CARE IF YOU ARE RELIGIOUS OR NOT BUT PLS AT LEAST MAKE A TINY PRAY ABOUT HIM PLEASE!!

This is just not funny man, this is just not funny....

His name is Jack, he got a pregnant wife and is on his first year in University, please just pray a tiny prayer about him, even if you are non-religious, please... Just do it for Jack, please!

Report Swedishdude · 565 views ·

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Huh, how nice of you to ask!:pinkiesmile:

Everything is fine with me. I guess my inactivity can be explained by me growing up, getting a job, and receiving new priorities. Now these days I barely have time to read my favourite fics, much much less time to write. I mostly come here to quickly scan through the weeks most popular fics while I watch my "read later" list grow larger and larger...

And how are you? Is life treating you well?

I notice you haven't been very active in... probably several years now, but you still log in. How is everything? :twilightsmile:


84433 ^^ (Oh god, there it is again!)

Hope the crossover won't be a disappointment then ^^

(I can't stop!)

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