• Member Since 28th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 23rd, 2022


Just a man who enjoys the show (especially Derpy and Dinky) that also has a thing for writing sad/feelgood stories, usually about baby ponies.


I'mmmmm Baaaaaccckkkk!!!! · 5:35am Nov 17th, 2015

After all this time I totally forgot about my work on this site. Already wrote a new one shot (waiting for approval) and plan to finish my other 3 incomplete stories. With plans for more writing after that as well!

Report dragonpony111 · 330 views ·
Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11


I didn't like the ending it felt rushed. I'm adding more chapters and a better ending don't worry.

I really love Broken wings of a broken filly but I can only find five chapters I seem to remember the story being complete. What happened.

love your Stories:heart:


Thanks!!! Because of which story?

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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