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Explicit Pony Fiction Archive:
50 Themes Challenge · 2:15pm Mar 6th, 2015
As my participation in a few prompt tag collabs shows, I enjoy writing small fics based on certain words or phrases. Due to that, I decided to do a 50 themes challenge again. I did so already a few years ago (with a 100 themes list), but didn't get very far. It also wasn't fandom-specific, while I'll concentrate solely on MLP this time (obviously). I picked the list(s) from IconFiend100 (originally intended for icons), because they
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Several Favorites (Clean)
Exit Through Canterlot Octavia pursues a new path in life, a path where symphonies are composed with cans of spray paint. by TheBrianJ 137,539 words · 1,988 · 49
Why Am I Crying? The CMC each deal with their emotions when their hated enemy, Diamond Tiara, dies in an accident by Rated Ponystar 64,552 words · 1,597 · 37
Vinyl and Octavia: University Days Vinyl Scratch and Octavia go to university. by DawnFade 71,075 words · 8,088 · 129
Taco Quest Pinkie and Sonata go to Taco Bell. It goes about as well as you'd expect. by MrAskAPirate 27,878 words · 340 · 14
Good Stuff
- AbsoluteAnonymous · 2.5k words · 4,155 60 · 58k views
Love your current avatar. ;3
2084117 are you an fan of spike the the dragon
2084117 Thanks.
2084112 It's from here:
Where did you get your avatar picture?