• Member Since 7th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen Dec 29th, 2023

Nemesis Prime

this this account is no longer in use I have a new account called a Bruticus

Blog Posts

  • 110 weeks
    I will be using a new account

    I will be using a new account

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    0 comments · 106 views
  • 126 weeks
    why fimfiction

    I have been seeing people saying that 15 to a couple hours is the max but I have been waiting for to days for two stories to either get monetized. I just want to know why I'm not even mad it's just kind of confusing.

    2 comments · 1,110 views

I will be using a new account · 6:39am Jun 12th, 2022

I will be using a new account

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Report Nemesis Prime · 106 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
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Thank you for adding An Overlord Apart to your Library!

Comment posted by Nemesis Prime deleted Feb 15th, 2022

hey thanks for the fallow

Hello, Nemesis Prime. (Wave White Flag)

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