• Member Since 27th Dec, 2023
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hi! My name is ThistleRose, and I like horses! Follow me on tumblr @zoeyhorse i post lots of horse art!



As Misty runs away from the brighthouse in a guilty panic, an unrelated botched spell leads to her meeting a fiery unicorn with a similar story to tell

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Having these two ponies meet is a wonderful concept that you've handled well here!

I really apreciate the idea of sunset literaly trying to cast aside all her memories. There are a lot of universes in which her self loathing and lack of forgiveness for herself could take an absolute dark turn. and it was nice to see these two characters having common ground! 👍👍👍

This was a great one-shot with some rather well-done dialogue, characterizations and general wrap-up. Yeah, I can understand Misty feeling bad about all the bad stuff she did, even with Sunny and the others all trying very hard to reassure her. And, yeah, talking to Sunset Shimmer, who really has had serious issues with that herself as a result of that spell was a beautifully bittersweet touch.

nice work

Putting these two ponies together is SO befitting my gosh. This is a short but very sweet fic... I love these two so much and your writing is wonderful!!!

“It will take time, but you’re going to fit right in here. I promise.’


“W-Why did you think that? I-If I’m ok to ask”


“I-If it helps you not make a b-bad decision… then m-maybe it was worth it” Misty said, with a weak smile.

it?" Misty said,*

Sunset let out a growl and put both of her forhooves to her temples. “How could I have been so stupid… Some friend I am.”

Still doesn't explain why she wanted to forget her friends? Shouldn't she be long over feeling that thought in this timeline? :unsuresweetie:

“They’re Element of harmony!”

"They're Elements of Harmony!"*

“I-Its an incredibly powerful artefact… it sealed away many evil doers over the years! I-Its even what turned me into that demon…”, she said awkwardly, ‘But this? This could help me protect m-my friends back at the school!”. Misty raised an eyebrow with a wondrous smile.

demon..." she said awkwardly, "But this? This could help me protect m-my friends back at school!" Misty*
I think I'm starting to see that this Sunset is the one before Rainbow Rocks seeing how she didn't mention the geodes they have. :trollestia:

This was all happening so fast. The pair of them had just somehow created magical friendship gemstones?

Which sure is shocking! :pinkiegasp:

“This is… this is Incredible! I can’t WAIT to tell Twilight all about it-” She paused, her ears dropping a little. “She’s probably so worried about me…” She looked back to Misty. “I need to g-go back to her. I should have never left.

never left."*

And as one sun set, a new one would rise.

Even if there were some mistakes in this story, I readily enjoyed this very much. :twilightsmile:

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