• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2023


Fimfic's favorite painkiller, editorial writer for Equestria Daily, and a blog author for Equestria After Dark.


Update: Going to Youtube · 6:09am Jun 13th, 2019

Just letting you all know that I'm mainly switching over to YouTube and non-pony related writing. If you guys still want me to do readings of pony fanfiction, I can work that into my existing schedule. I will be going out of country to teach english in September, but I can take some recording equipment with me once that comes around and I intend to have a backlog as well of stuff to release once September comes around.

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Water Pony Chapter 3: Diamond · 9:41pm May 8th, 2017

It's here. Finals are upon me. Working on these as I can. Should have this done sooner than thought if I keep working at it.

Report ABagOVicodin · 531 views ·

Streaming some Video-Making on My Twitch · 2:18am Apr 20th, 2017

Doing an EQD Editorial as well as one chapter of an audiobook tonight. Feel free to join and chat. I'll be streaming for a while!


Report ABagOVicodin · 465 views ·

Longest overdue update of my life · 2:08pm Mar 27th, 2017

I kinda fell off the face of the Earth have I?

I have a long explanation but let me simplify it. I moved out on my own, got a job, bit off more than I could chew, and ended up going to work for 10-12 hours, then college, and sleeping 2-3 hours a day for 8 months. Then I woke up one day and quit, got a college loan, and now I'm caught up on my sleep. At least I think.

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Water Pony Chapter 2 · 12:05am Oct 11th, 2016

I know I've been very slow and I'm sorry about that. College + Full time graveyard job and no time to record does that to me. If anyone has any trouble with my turnover rate, please PM me. You can always check out my recording queue here.

Report ABagOVicodin · 566 views ·

Night of the Living Bed and Water Pony Readings · 5:32am Sep 6th, 2016

Two released. They are below. I'll do an update soon to let you know what I'm at, but basically, I'm in the middle of moving and a new job and college. So I'm trying to get these done, but they will definitely take some time. Sorry to anyone who has been waiting, but I'm trying the best that I can.

Report ABagOVicodin · 487 views ·

"Little Deceptions" Fanfic Reading · 10:21pm Jul 28th, 2016

Still working on them as you can see. Thanks to Taranth this time around for his commission!

Report ABagOVicodin · 340 views ·

Still Working on the Readings · 7:25pm Jun 17th, 2016

Slowly but surely. Thank you for your patience.

Report ABagOVicodin · 409 views ·

"Only, Only, Only You" Fanfiction Reading · 11:00pm Jun 7th, 2016

And the first reading that I was able to release from these commissions is "Only, Only, Only You" by Corejo. A poetic story, it was very fun to record and it reminds me of Therapist Visit with Nightmare Moon's influence.

Special thanks to Corejo for his commission.

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Vote for me to be on ToonKritic's Podcast · 4:06am Jun 7th, 2016

I know it's kinda petty, but I enjoy being on podcasts and talking about ponies and other stuff. However the guests are chosen by polls and I'm currently losing. I'd appreciate any support that you guys can give me.

The link to vote on Twitter is right here: https://twitter.com/ToonKriticY2K/status/740013583417757697

Love you guys. I hope I can take part.

Report ABagOVicodin · 422 views ·