• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 58 minutes ago

Lucky Dreams

I didn't choose the skux life, the skux life chose me. (Can also be found at luckydreamsart.tumblr.com!)


It's the week before Hearth's Warming. Scootaloo is curled up in front of the fireplace, drinking hot cocoa and reading a Daring Do novel.

And then the fireplace starts speaking to her.

A spiritual successor to my (formerly cancelled) six star rated story, It's Not a Cold Dark Place.

Chapters (23)

The shops are closed, and Sweetie Belle doesn't have a present for Rarity yet! But Pinkie Pie is here to save the day...

Originally written for Obselescence's Jinglemas Secret Santa compilation. Cover features vectors from Vector-Brony, Dipi11, and Racefox.

Now with awesome readings from Skijarama and Snogwritts!

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, it's good to talk about your feelings. Other times, the only way we can understand ourselves is to sit and listen to the silence...

8th place finalist in the Forbidden Knowledge Writeoff event. With a huge thank you to everyone who commented on it over there.

Chapters (1)

Staying overnight in the hospital is already creepy enough without having to deal with ghosts...

Extended version of my fourth place entry for the 'It's Your Funeral' Writeoff event. An enormous thank you to everyone who commented on it over there!

Chapters (1)

What joy, I've a treat for you:
A lovely warm dinner of Scootaloo stew.

It’s sweet and delicious,
I'm so sinfully kind.
I left in the hooves,
I hope you don’t mind.

With huge thanks to Bad Horse for pre-reading!

Chapters (1)

When Apple Bloom's nightmares come to life, she must learn that it's OK to admit when you’re scared.

A bedtime story in three parts. Featured on EQD!

Chapters (3)

Eleven year old Rainbow Dash has just moved out of her parents house, and everything is wicked cool, everything is awesome. Moving out wasn't a mistake. It definitely wasn't a mistake. She 1,000% absolutely does NOT regret it.

... Right?

Chapters (2)

Young Mia is determined to run with wild horses and nothing is going to stop her. Not her mother. Not even a pony with stars in her mane, come to take her away on an adventure...

An attempt at writing something for children + 3rd place winner of The Most Dangerous Game! Cover art by myself.

Chapters (1)