• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
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Lucky Dreams

I didn't choose the skux life, the skux life chose me. (Can also be found at luckydreamsart.tumblr.com!)


Reviewing AI written pony fanfic reviews because I am in hell now I guess · 9:26pm Jul 26th, 2023

Definitely posting this against my better judgement, but recently, I keep seeing this one group linking to AI written reviews in people’s comment sections. And, honestly, I’m kinda fascinated/horrified by these things? Mainly, though, I’m alarmed at the thought of new authors being spammed with this sudden deluge of ‘objective’ writing advice – as of the time of posting, almost 110* honestly-quite-lengthy reviews in less than two weeks.

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Report Lucky Dreams · 452 views · #ai #reviews

Signal boost! · 2:20am Apr 12th, 2023

Dunno how many people still actively follow me. But just in case it helps, please check out this video (or this blog post). Losing Scribbler's YouTube channel would be such a damn tragedy.

Report Lucky Dreams · 122 views ·

Art stuff! · 4:21pm Oct 28th, 2021

Sorry, it’s been a while, huh? I very sincerely hope that 2021 is treating everyone better than 2020 did.

Anyway, just a little blog post to say that I've started an art twitter account if anyone wants to follow me there. It’s not all ponies, but there will certainly be more ponies to come -- I forgot how much fun they are to draw!

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Report Lucky Dreams · 333 views ·

Update complete: Emberwolf · 3:52am Nov 30th, 2018

Again, I'm so sorry it took this long.

But enjoy!

Report Lucky Dreams · 461 views ·

New story · 4:14am Nov 18th, 2018

Just a little idea I had the other day! Honestly, it’s more sort of a scene rather than an actual story? Whatever it is, it was fun to write, and I hope people enjoy it.

Also, I can’t believe I finally get to say this, but the last chapter + epilogue of Emberwolf are almost ready to post. Expect them in the next week or two :raritystarry:

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Report Lucky Dreams · 431 views ·

Sorry for the delay... · 4:10am Nov 5th, 2018

… but Emberwolf is actually-for-real almost done, and I’ve also given the rest of the story something of a clean-up. Whilst I wouldn’t call it an extensive rewrite (like, it’s not essential to go back and reread it or anything), at the same time, it’s a lot more polished now, and free of the weird little errors that were in the original. So, if you never checked this story out the first time round, now would be a good time to jump on-board: the plan is to upload the revised chapters as I finish

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Report Lucky Dreams · 437 views · #Emberwolf

I have a new short story on Twitter + Emberwolf update · 11:24pm Mar 8th, 2018

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Report Lucky Dreams · 522 views ·

Another change to the update schedule · 7:50pm Jan 1st, 2018

I’ll be honest: I thought I would be finished writing by now, but I simply haven’t found enough time to properly write/edit this story these past two weeks. Long story short, my girlfriend’s visa expires halfway through January, so we’re trying to spend as much time together as possible before she moves back to the US.

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Report Lucky Dreams · 421 views · #Emberwolf #updates

Happy New Year! · 2:05am Dec 31st, 2017

If 2017 has taught me anything, it’s that you shouldn’t ignore a good thing when it’s staring you right in the face. Let the ones who mean something to you know exactly how you feel about them. Spread love. Don’t hold back. And, for the sake of all that’s good in this world, make more time to write about ponies!

Happy New Year everyone! From the bottom of my heart, I hope it’s a good one :raritystarry:

Report Lucky Dreams · 325 views ·

Merry late Christmas · 2:47am Dec 27th, 2017

This is a little late, but Merry Christmas everyone!

If you are still in the Christmas mood, then here’s Skijarama’s reading of my recent Hearth’s Warming story. I mean, to be sure, I’m completely biased here, but I honestly think he did a wonderful, wonderful job with this.

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