
Viewing 1 - 20 of 474 results

Soon™ is Now™. · 2:33am Nov 7th, 2015

Expect more Horizon by Sunday, probably sooner.

Report Nagmeister · 472 views · #return

I'm Back! · 9:49pm Jul 26th, 2017

It's been a long time, but I'm back. I have quite a few stories to share. I will be following every rule to the letter. Thanks Knightly for giving me a second chance.

Report blaa6 · 396 views · #return

I return... Sort of. · 10:43am Aug 12th, 2016

Hello hello people of the internet! Let me just start by saying this.
Why the exclamation of agony? Simple.
I read my old works.
I read my old blog posts.
I saw my old profile pic.
The Cringe. Such Cringe. I don't know how any of you could stand me or my stories honestly. :pinkiesick:

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Report plotdotgif · 353 views · #Return

Returning · 8:26pm Feb 25th, 2018

Not sure how many people are still watching for me, or watching my channel but after a long time I am going to star returning to FImfiction and posting stories. Including attempting to update my story, New friends, new enemies. But also posting a new story I got a major major bug for writing on.

Report Shadow-Mane · 284 views · #Return

Sweetie Belle Sucks Is Back · 4:29pm May 31st, 2016

Yeah, started working on it again. The main reason it stopped is... I kinda forgot about it. Whoops.

In any case, I'll be working on it with some degree of consistency, so keep an eye out and an ear to the ground. Thanks for reading.

Report chillbook1 · 305 views · #The Return

i have returned · 3:47am Jun 20th, 2020

hello, i am back.
i know that it took a while, im sorry. i had a few personal issues to deal with.
and now that i have some extra time due to the global pandemic, i decided i will publish the epilogue to a new story that i promised back in november last year.

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Report the silent symphony · 214 views · #return

It's me again. · 9:52pm Jun 30th, 2015

I hope that my return's okay with you. This time, I'll just be a reader and a writer. I won't even try to be a reviewer, because honestly, I was awful at it.
I'm sorry to everyone I disappointed when I quit so abruptly and I'm sorry to the members of Rage Reviews for constantly acting like a giant dick to them.


Boot camp over! · 7:17pm Apr 1st, 2016

So boot camp is over, I'm uploading this from a friends phone. I passed!:pinkiehappy: I'll get my laptop next week sometime. I'll be working on the next chapter of Wrath soon.

Go Navy!

Report Enternal · 430 views · #Return

Better Than Ever! · 3:49am Sep 16th, 2019

Ever know that feeling when you're about to be bucked?

I do!

For those who didn't know, which should be no one in particular.

I was having a really shitty time, my last few times here.

Not the community.

This place is great, a real home away from reality!

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Report Undyne Devotion · 314 views · #Return

It's been a bit · 11:25pm Mar 31st, 2019

It really has been a while, hasn't it? For the record if I ever say that I'm continuing to write again, assume that it wont happen in the end. I'd like to say that I might write stuff again but honestly I have no idea whether I will or not. I have a lot of ideas, as I usually do. But no real plans or motivation. I've come back to the site to find most of the stories I used to follow, dead. I left for so long.

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Report Lazy_ · 453 views · #THE RETURN

A Return From a Land Far Far Away · 9:27pm Mar 29th, 2018

To those of you who know me: We were just talking IRL.
To those of you who know me via FiM: Hi, it's been a while.
To those of you who don't know me: Hi.

I haven't been on in I really don't know how long. Part of the reason was I forgot my password, but...that's not everything. I have been on a journey of the mind. I've been trying to decide who I am. I haven't done much of anything really.

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Report TRIBOT 4000 · 249 views · #returning

Back and with Some Updates · 1:44am Sep 15th, 2020

As the title said, I'm back to writing some fanfics! I'm going to start off by working on a new Feather Bangs fanfic. I won't be updating my other stories until I'm done with this one as I promised someone that I would complete this particular story. Sorry if I'm causing you guys to wait a little longer for updates to my stories.

Report BrawnyBold · 241 views · #Returns

Choice confirmed. · 5:20am Jun 4th, 2023

"Im in a much better place now. I'm much happier, and more stable emotionally, financially, and well. Yeah."

The once dark room wasnt so dark anymore. It held pictures, smiles, music, and statues of people.

The window lingered.

Frustaz finally pressed ~Yes~


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Report Frustaz · 422 views · #Return

I'm back, Baby! (Hopefully) · 6:57am Feb 24th, 2016

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Report Miralusa · 538 views · #Return

I'm Back · 4:32am Feb 2nd, 2018

Hey guys! I'm back :raritywink: Did you miss me? ... Actually, don't answer that.

Sorry I just kinda abandoned this place without warning. Whoops. Anyway, I'm back, and hopefully my writing skills have improved! I re-read most of my old stories and BOY were they... I don't even know where to start. :facehoof:

I may or may not rewrite some of them. Who knows. But I probs won't ever be as active as I used to be, sorry. Still planning on uploading new stories (maybe, hopefully??).

Report Dark_Soliloquy · 326 views · #return

Starting From Scratch 2: Electric Boogaloo · 3:20pm May 10th, 2019


It's been almost a year since I've been here, and frankly I don't have a regret for taking a break. High school is a pain, after all. Although, I've lately lacked a proper writing space to legitimately type out my ideas and thoughts, so perhaps this time I'll actually stay active on this website for real.

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Report Solar Caesar · 333 views · #return

I'm back · 1:46pm Oct 18th, 2023

Hey guys sorry for the long absence. Got burned out of writing but I'm gonna try again. My first step is rewrite The Elemental Equestrian. The later chapters are just a jumble and I want something more coherent.

Report Slicknick17 · 91 views · #Returning

DINOMAN213 HAS RETURNED · 5:55pm Jan 19th, 2022

Hey, everybody, it's me and what HarryBuilder said was true. And believe it or not, I have decided to not give up or retire, besides I always wanted to make my story on this site and share them with the whole world, even if I'll have to face my past. So now, as I said before...

Dinoman213 Has Returned!

Report Dinoman213 · 149 views · #Returned

I bought a Nintendo Switch and somehow that got me back on Fimfiction. · 1:08am Apr 5th, 2019

The Switch has been the first time in a long while that I have been able to dedicate enough time with my busy work schedule, to make time for single player games.
It has been this...awakening of sorts. Spending time for myself. I watch at least an Episode of MLP every morning before work now. God I missed so much. Now the show is ending and I feel like I missed my chance. I missed my chance to take part in the greatest fandom I have ever seen.

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Report midashguy · 285 views · #Return

The return of a dead man · 1:22pm Jan 29th, 2016

So yes, I have returned, but I have come with new art, new stories, and a new image! Dream Searcher is the name, gone is Belgian! I won't be as active as before and stories can take a huge amount of time due to RL stuff, but hey, at least there's an influx again.

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Report Dream Searcher · 396 views · #Returned #hoozah
Viewing 1 - 20 of 474 results