SAMURAI ROCK - EXERPT · 12:37am Jan 6th, 2018
Warren started the briefing, explaining into detail how to get through all the twists and turns of the facilities.
Within two hours and found of themselves standing outside the facility walls. The Decker jacked himself into the computer system in an attempt to gain access to the building.
“listen, Jackie, when this is over, if you are the only one left, disappear” Warren spoke with authority.
Jackie nodded, and hid behind a nearby dumpster continuing to guide them through.
933653 just finished reading it actually XD, its a nice way to expand on how the runes and his magic work.
Cool, I'll be going into runes a bit more in the coming chapter, plus his relationships with characters other tHan twilight.
Look out for it.
932811 Its how he tries, makes mistakes, learns from them and does better..
I've also like how you've tackled racism, and how people can still be ostracized for loving who they love.
thought provoking? how so?
and it's nice to know you like it : D
896538 It had new concept of getting to equestria, and its not as two dimensional as most HiE stories are these days.
Plus its well written and slightly thought provoking ( me it is)
that and I can slightly relate to the character a little bit.