
Viewing 1 - 20 of 601 results

"Mr. Hooper, that's the USS Indianapolis." · 12:54am Aug 27th, 2014

If you’ve never seen this before, you’re welcome.

Where in the world do you start with this scene? In a movie credited with sparking shark hysteria for decades, this simple speech stands out as one the film’s most chilling moments. It’s hypnotic.

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Report Minds Eye · 688 views · #analysis

Little Ponies are little · 6:33am Feb 4th, 2014

One of the gems we pulled from the Pinkie Pride episode was actually pony heights. Cheese Sandwich appears in a lineup, with a scale behind him. From this, we can get his height, and compare him to other characters to get their heights.

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Report Lithl · 625 views · #analysis

Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - An Honor · 11:40am Oct 15th, 2019

I dont know about you, but I feel so proud and so privileged to have been part of this phenomenon - to be part of the herd. To have let horse magic into my heart, and to have contributed in some small way to what the show became; (the writers' and animators' little nods to brony culture were constant).

To see princesses in the Sun and the Moon. To believe that friendship is magic.

The fandom may change over the years to come, but we'll be around for quite a long time.

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An analysis of the Italian Nursery Rhyme from Ch 9 · 5:11am April 15th

Excuse me while I nerd out about that Italian nursery rhyme from Chapter Nine.

Cavallino arri, arrò,
prendi la biada che ti do,
prendi i ferri che ti metto
per andare a San Francesco.
A San Francesco c’è una via
che ti porta a casa mia.
A casa mia c’è un altare
con tre monache a lavorare,
una cuce, una taglia,
una fa cappelli di paglia;
la più piccola e vecchietta
Santa Barbara benedetta.

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Report Lilyheart · 95 views · #analysis

Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - On Fanfiction · 2:38am Nov 26th, 2017

I had never given fanfiction much thought before I was on the brony scene, and what thoughts I could spare on the subject were typically not very kind.

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Why Didn't This Suck? (Mortal Kombat) · 1:22am Oct 26th, 2014

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Report Minds Eye · 567 views · #analysis

On the Aging and Development of Equus Sapiens · 9:21pm Oct 13th, 2016

On the Aging and Development of Equus Sapiens
or, "Why pony ages are nonsense"

Spoilers for "Where the Apple Lies"

With the airing of "Where the Apple Lies", and thus the revelation of more Apple family history, I have concluded that pony ages are pretty odd. I'm going to focus on cutie marks as a marker of development, since they have been implied to occur at similar ages in most ponies, roughly coincident with the beginning of adolescence.

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Report Gizogin · 955 views · #Analysis

Crunching the numbers on Celestia's power · 11:52pm Feb 16th, 2016

So, here I am, and there are all these crossovers and arguments and scenarios where Celestia gets, for the lack of a better word, completely owned.
So I wonder: How powerful is Celestia, actually?
We never really saw her fight, and aside from the fact that she can move Sun and Moon and is probably very skilled when it comes to magic in general, we don't know much to help put into perspective how powerful she is.

So I went and crunched some numbers.

Here's the idea:

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Report Capacitor · 401 views · #analysis

Gender Ratio Speculation: A Mathematical Approach · 12:38pm Jul 20th, 2014

For as long as this fandom has existed, arguments have raged on about the ratio of genders in Equestria; ponies have been counted on screenshots, numbers have been extrapolated, real-world equine populations have been used for comparison.
Alas, none of that will happen here. I'm too lazy for that sort and I simply do this of mathematical curiosity; and work with the tools of mathematics and probabilities I will.

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Report Capacitor · 418 views · #analysis

Lore Analysis: Do Princess Dream of Magic Sheep? (S5E13) · 8:09am Jul 15th, 2015


ITS CANNON! Magic taking a strain on unicorns (even freaking alicorns) is now cannon. An argument could be made that this was already proven during "Boast Busters"... but hey telekinesis doesn't follow the same rules as magic, mainly because it is something that unicorns are born with, not learn.

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Report Jdbener · 408 views · #Lore Analysis

Zipp Storm, the Insufferable Problem Solver (and Why It's a Good Thing): A Pre-MYM Character Analysis · 5:10pm May 22nd, 2022

*slams hand on table*
Alright boys we back on this sh—

What is a Zipp? A Rainbow Dash clone? An unsympathetic pony and sister? A strawblueberry scoop of ice cream on a snow cone horse?

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Equestrian Cosmology and Calendar: Speculation and Apex Artillery · 8:13pm Aug 19th, 2013

I've thought about Equestria, its cosmology and calendar and tried to reach some conclusions from what's given us by the show.

First, I would like to postulate that Equestria is indeed placed upon a spherical body, a planet. This is supported by the existence of an "arctic north" (see S03E01) (the curvature of the planet's surface causing two "poles" with arctic climate) and a transition during the "smile song" (see S02E18).

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Report Capacitor · 411 views · #headcanon #analysis

Divine Speculation and Heavenly Apex Artillery · 1:42pm Oct 16th, 2013

My Little Pony fan fiction relatively often compares characters like Celestia, Luna, Cadance or Discord to gods.
I personally think that while this is a curious notion, it is not unjustified.
First, we have to ask one thing:

What is a god?

Surprise, surprise, there isn't a clear and simple answer. Hence I will now try and categorize the most common types of god.
Tier I:

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Report Capacitor · 360 views · #headcanon #analysis

When Villains Fight: Speculation and Apex Artillery · 11:13am Sep 11th, 2014

Villains are amazing. They create conflict and tension in a story and often thereby make it one. They can also be interesting characters. Sadly, because villains usually arrive only one at a time, we fans can only speculate how they would interact.

This is what this is: Speculation on what would happen were one to pit the major villains of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic against each other. And by 'major', I mean 'warranting a two-part episode'.

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Report Capacitor · 388 views · #headcanon #analysis

Why the unicorn who befriended Scorpan was not Star Swirl the Bearded: An Argument · 1:13pm Aug 6th, 2014

According to the Tale of Hearth's Warming Eve, Star Swirl the Bearded was the mentor of Clover the Clever, who helped found Equestria. This means that Star Swirl was already a renowned conjurer before Equestria was founded, which happened "long before the peaceful rule of Celestia". (see S02E11)

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Report Capacitor · 501 views · #headcanon #analysis

The Chronological Order of Ponies · 6:01pm Jul 7th, 2015

This has been on my mind for awhile now so I'm just going to put it out here. I've heard many that state the show confirmed that the four seasons happen all in a year. So like any logical person I looked at the sources and read the transcript to see where it was spoken. What I found were pretty vague quotes.

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Report Atheneum · 339 views · #Time #Analysis

How Twilight's Kingdom Killed the Show (Master Post) · 12:06pm Jul 23rd, 2017

A compilation post for the full, 5-part review series. You can also find the full script for the entire series here.

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Report JawJoe · 2,482 views · #analysis #review

Plausible Pony Pairings · 1:11pm May 20th, 2013

As follows is a list of what I personally consider to be plausible pony pairings - that is to say, plausible future relationships (or in some cases, present relationships) between the major characters of the series. I mostly considered only the main cast, though I threw in a few side characters for one-off pairings for fun.

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Signal Boost: More Fimfiction statistics · 5:42am Jul 20th, 2016

/u/Wallacoloo over on Reddit has also done his own Fimfiction data analysis, and he's taken it to places I haven't thought of or delved into before.

You can go read his blog post over here.


The Elements of Harmony: Speculation and Apex Artillery · 3:00pm Aug 25th, 2013

The Elements of Harmony are a very peculiar set of artefacts. Six gemstones that only work when wielded together by a group of bearers that represent their spirits and are connected to them. It is, however, possible for a single pony to do that on its own, Celestia is living proof.
In "The Return of Harmony" Princess Celestia tells us something very important: She and her sister are no longer connected to the Elements, only the Mane 6 can use them now.
This implies two things:

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Report Capacitor · 348 views · #headcanon #analysis
Viewing 1 - 20 of 601 results