• Member Since 1st Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


Just your friendly neighborhood Eldritch horror. If you want to play with me, just search for Zael on Steam!

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Entry n°4 - Well, f*ck. · 9:24pm July 6th

Hey y'all.
Zael here.
Not dead, but a lot of shit happened.
Last blog was three years ago and dear God, I swear my world went down a drain.
Lost contact with a lot of friends that I made over the years, due to simple passing of the time. One week you talk everyday, then just one day per week, then you just send and receive best wishes for birthdays and holidays.

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It was an Halloween commission of my MLP oc, Shrouded Petal, with Nyarlathotep from the Cthulhu Myths of H.P. Lovecraft; despite Nyarlathotep not having a real form, I asked to use the design of its beast form from the defunct game Ayakashi Ghost Guild.

Tl;dr, it's my OC fused with the literal personification of the cosmic Chaos.

What is that thing in your avatar?

Actually I did read that fic long ago, just always forgot to put the fav. Sorry about that XD

Thank you very much for the fave!


I know right? They both have that bad girl vibe and I feel like they would totally get along.

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