Goodnight Sunset, Good Morning SunriseAfter the Fall Formal things don't go so well with Sunset Shimmer she slowly spirals downward before hitting rock bottom, moments away from doing something she will regret when, to her, the least likely of people come to her Twilight Nightmare
74,137 words
· 451 · 23
Chaos TheoryCollege is around the corner, but strange things are brewing for the Rose Quill
30,402 words
· 222 · 8
A Friend to AllFluttershy has always been afraid of Sunset Shimmer, ever since freshman year in high school. But when she sees the former bully alone on the soccer field, will she offer a helping hand?by Azure_Shadow
9,366 words
· 237 · 3
Sunset ResetAfter the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer decided it's time to return home. It's just that she comes back a bit earlier than LordBrony2040
396,396 words
· 2,678 · 201
thank you for writing it :D
Hiya there, reboot-this-pc! Thank you for checking out my story, What a Strange New Worldand adding it to your bookshelves.
Your welcome :)
Thanks for continuing to take an interest in my works.
Hey, thanks for adding Validation and Redemption to your list! I hope you enjoy what's still to come!
Thanks for adding Sunset's Despair to your list
You are most welcome
Thank you very much for the fave!
No thank you for penning a great story
My pleasure
Thanks for taking an interest in "The Sun Also Rises"! I hope that you enjoy it!
2432846 again your welcome
Thanks for adding Shadows Rising!
2432164 thank you for posting it
Thanks for adding my story!
2421839 thank you for penning it
Thank you for the favorite on "Sunset Shimmer's Many Demons"
2421627 thank you , fun fact , it's the name of my old pc , like in the system setting it's named reboot-this
Love your username!