• Member Since 24th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 59 minutes ago


I am but a simple brony who loves everything My little pony FIM


The world had once again been saved. The Legion of doom had been defeated, turned to stone as punishment for their crimes. All was right in the world again. Except one mare doesn't think so.

Raven Inkwell was flabbergasted at what she just saw. Discord, the one responsible for starting the L.O.D. gets to walk free after starting this mess in the first place and it was in that moment, she realized the ultimate truth behind everything that happened over the years up to now and she plans to expose that truth to the one who needs to hear it the most and make sure that Discord and all those he worked with are punish for their crimes.

Chapters (2)

Base off of the Secret admirer, Spikes Sacrifice series by 1jckuhn.

Takes place in the combination of these three stories:
A Secret Admirer
A Secret Admirer 3: Spike's Sacrifice (AU)
Chrysalis' Beating

Note: This story will resurrect the original canon where Chrysalis and Tirek were sentenced to be executed before 1jckuhn change it to life in tartarus because of readers demands.

The Legion of Doom had been defeated and Equestria was saved once again only this time victory came at a terrible price; The death of Spike. He gave his own life to protect six of his harem of lovers and the world with a selfless sacrifice.

The Mane 6, CMC, Smolder, Starlight, and gabby mourn the death of their decease lover and wanted justice for his murder.

After their defeat Chrysalis and Tirek will be put on trial for their crimes against Equestria and the death of Spike the dragon.

They were both facing the death penalty for what they did and knew that this was their end.


luckily for them it turns out that one mare is willing to stand up in their defense for she believes a great injustice is being committed and she refused to just sit in the background and allow it to go on.

Raven Inkwell decides to defend the evil duo in court and make sure that justice is truly served by exposing the truth behind the attack on Equestria and the lies of the one who started it all.

This fight will be a great one and Raven knows she'll be outnumbered. But who said she'll be fighting this war alone.

This story was requested by 1jckuhn. This isn't just a simple request, 1jckuhn and I have a history that goes back to the many comments I left in his stories, mainly the ones up top.

This story is a combination between his story and mine fuse together. So, basically, it's a cross-over.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to You've Got Debt

Takes place after the events of You've Got Debt by, Coronet the lesser.

Note: This is a non canon sequel.

After just becoming The new Ruler of Equestria, Twilight learns that The Crown is in debt of six hundred billion bits shared across many different kingdoms, all because of Celestia's many economic blunders that she didn't know of until now.

It turns out Celestia kept many important secrets from Twilight and with each new info revealed to her like how she have to marry The Saddle Arabian Prince, Saladin, just to cover half of the debt that is owed, only made her more angry and outrage, when she also learned that Celestia trick her into performing a marriage ritual for the The Saddle Arabians.

So with no other choice Twilight vows to fix all of the problems left to her and pay back the debt in full and make sure this crisis never happens again and the second all is said and done she will make sure that Celestia pays for all this.

Chapters (0)

This is an alternate ending on the story The Crimes of the condemned by WurkyWilk 358 0W0.

Its been a month since the utter destruction of "The Purest." The evil organization of highly racists unicorns hell bent on slaughtering all non-unicorns ponies and taking the throne for their leader have been completely crush before they can begin their plans of mass genocide and taking power.

The human prisoner wakes up from his coma and is soon visited by Princess Luna and Shining Armor. Though they are happy to see him awake. It would seem that they have much to tell the human about what happened after he was attacked.

The human will soon learn that his plan to help others nearly got Equestria destroyed. He will also learn of the many great consequences of his choices.

All which could of been avoided if he just did one simple thing.

I originally made an alternate version to the Canon version of the original story but I haven't gone back to it. So I decided to "Remake" it with this one and get straight to the heart of why I started writing that story in the first place.

This version will follow everything that happened in the original until Chapter 6 where this story begins.

I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

An alternate take to the ending of Always the quiet ones by Eddy13. Please click the link to read his story first before reading this one.

This story take place after Fluttershy explained all the misunderstandings her friends came across when they thought she murdered Rainbow Dash. When Fluttershy tried to apologize to them, Rainbow tells her that she doesn't need to apologize and that they are the ones at fault for everything. Fluttershy disagree with her girlfriend statement and once again gives a logical explanation as to why they were at fault as well.


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Bet

This is my take on a Aftermath story base on "The Bet" by Paridigm Shift.

WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD IN THE DESCRIPTION Go and read the first story before reading this one if you haven't.

Sunset and Raity learned that they have been doop, Prank by thier friends...mainly Twilight Sparkle being the mastermind, into going on a date with one another because each believed that the other was in love with them and even wrote a love story titled "The Perfect Date" with them both as the main characters.

They both were confronted by Twilight and some their friends seperatly and were showed the stories both were led to believe were written by the other, they were also goad into a bet by Twilight, who promise them both a fabulous reward if they win the bet, all they have todo is go on a date with the other and re-enact the stories that they were given to a "T"

At the end of their date it was revealed that the whole thing was a setup, they been played, neither Sunset or Rarity wrote the stories they were shown, nor were either of them was in love with the other romanticly....at first. Sunset and Rarity date night did show them both a side to the other they never saw before which led the now two new love birds going out with one another on their own terms.

Though the prank did help them see a romance neither knew was there and are happy for it, They're still upset about the prank and they will confront the mastermind behind it all.


Chapters (2)