• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The third story in The Journey of Graves.

Graves is finally getting settled into Ponyville: his things have arrived, and many of his new friends are helping him move in. However, the housewarming will just have to wait, as the marshal receives word that there's trouble brewing in the Everfree Forest. Simple enough really, except for one minor problem: Graves has already promised Rarity he'd take care of Sweetie Belle for the day. What will the marshal do when his troublesome job meets the walking disaster?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 184 )


That poor poor fool. Tempting murphy he is.


He knows not the powers he trifles with. :twilightsheepish:

yeah. that about sums it up.

One does not simply take out a troll.


it can be done as long as the troll isn't fed. :)

' " Ms sweetie bell" he said standing up offering her a helping hand up, " How good at you are annoying people?" '

Sir, that line just made my day. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:


Glad you enjoyed it! Next chapter should be up tomorrow evening!:pinkiehappy:

This series totally caught me off guard in how well it was written and how much I enjoyed your original character.

I cannot wait for more.


You sir, just made my day. Thanks so much!:twilightsmile:

*sigh* I kind of envy Graves at that point.

I gotta ask, if you were to compare his gun to something in real life, what would it be?

I keep switching between a M16A4 and a Winchester Model 1873.


The standard spell gun is much more like the Winchester. However, Graves had a slightly different model.


I was thinking something around late 19th century, sort of at the height of the old west time period. Graves would have one like this, only made of grey metal and not wood. Also, no engravings on his: strictly designed to be sturdy and serviceable.

Yay.:yay: My favorite Crusader.


Sweetie Belle is best little pony. :rainbowkiss:

I love your stories, glad to see this out:twilightsmile:
You need more attention, I mean, the concept of Graves/Marshall/Humans is very entertaining, but there's not enough ponies reading:fluttercry:


I know, huh? I just can't figure out how to get people to notice me. So sad. :applecry:

But hey, when people like you write and let me know you enjoy it, that's enough to keep me going. Thanks!:twilightsmile:

Well, I suppose patience is the answer, I mean, no one puts something up and gets famous overnight. Right?:applejackunsure:
Unless your the luckiest pony ever.:pinkiesmile:


That may very well be the case: I have the luck of a deaf mole with a bad case of the sniffles. Go figure. :facehoof:

I am beginning to love your stories, mate. Keep up the good work!

I guess you can say those trolls got.... *le puts on sunglasses*:coolphoto:

... Counter trolled...



And thanks! Glad you're enjoying them!

DUDE... I LOVE THIS SERIS, and to show it I give you, (drum roll)
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: 10 out of 10 moustaches


*HNNG!* My heart! :twilightoops: It's too... much... win!

Graves get in there

The whole storyline has been very good. As I have no real criticism to make, I don't know what else to say :twilightsheepish:

Yeah, I never could figure out why so many anime characters are covered in belts. Also, Sweetie Belle isn't really that much of an airhead in the show anymore. She's the one who decided to hook up Cheerilee with someone and who thought of having Applebloom playing hookie.


Everything you say is true. I just love the air headed Sweetie Belle: she's just so lovably derpy that way. :rainbowkiss:

Other than that, have you enjoyed the series?

You know for a man who's job requires constant awareness and being three steps ahead........ Graves isn't the most perceptive bugger is he. :rainbowlaugh:


Maybe he doesn't pick up on them cause... they aren't life-threatening? Mostly? :applejackconfused:
Yeah, let's just go with that. :twilightblush:

More minor editing:
"Twilight meticulously collapsed all the cardboard boxes and whisked away shredded wrapping paper with a flick of her want."
I assume that you meant:
"Twilight meticulously collapsed all the cardboard boxes and whisked away shredded wrapping paper with a flick of her wand"

:rainbowlaugh: AHAHAHAHAHA Oh oh my ribs*falls over laughing holding hsi ribs* I loved the trolls. I so have to use these guys intellect skills for the ones in mine :rainbowlaugh: They are Equestrias lemmings!

Lemmings of Equestria? I like it! :pinkiehappy: If you do use it, just give me a shout out, okay? That'd just tickle me pink. :raritywink:

is this anthro or human cus you you said sweetie bell had pony eyes just wanna know. good work so far


Human. The meaning was puppy dog eyes, the euphemism for big, innocent eyes, but since we all know that pony eyes are better, I changed the wording.

i have a question where do the cutey marks do they appear as a tattoo like image or what. and where does it go i was just wondering, love the story so far. keep up the good work.


That question will be answered in a later story (the fifth one, to be specific).

Have you considered sending it to EQD?
The pre-readers will probably tell you work on the grammar a bit, but the story quality is more than high enough to get past them.
The first chapter of my first story wasn't as well written as your stories when I submitted it, but they still accepted it.

Also, very entertaining story. Graves is a classic lawman and you manage to capture a genuine 'old west' feel in his adventures. A formula that blends surprisingly well with our favorite ponies. Well done. :moustache:

"What’s the worst that could happen?"

Famous last words...

“You’re wardrobe, of course!”

No but seriously. I'm a huge fan of the Graves stories.

“…as long as it’s not frou-frou,” the marshal slowly agreed, causing Rarity to squeal in delight.”
extra quotation mark.
Don't get the wrong idea from my constant bitching. This is still head and shoulders above most fics.

‘sever damage to a commanding officer’s posterior’
think it's "severe"

BOOM! Ass-shot!

582626 yeah. it's been that way from the start. one of the tags on all the stories is "Human"

"What's a troll?"
"Just a big nuisance."

lol ain't that the truth XD

Pfft. Poor Graves...

"What's a troll?"
"Just a big nuisance."

I'm expecting the troll to be like an internet troll now.

What’s the worst that could happen?

Never ask that question. EVER.

:rainbowderp: This can only end well

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