• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The fifth story in The Journey of Graves.

A week has passed since the ill-fated events in Rarity's boutique. The encounter has left a deep impression on Graves as he grows colder and more distant than ever before. Rarity, feeling responsible, wants desperately to make amends, but the multitude of fears and worries plaguing her have made this next to impossible. Even with the help of their friends, it's going to take a miracle to untangle this knot.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 244 )

I love this series:yay:


Wait.....fifth? I MISSED THE FORTH?!
*Passed out*
My good sir, have a gif. i.imgur.com/tagW6.gif

Nice..I can't wait for more!!!!!

Short but as usual it is excellent!

It's 11:30 at night here, I hope you realize I almost woke up my dad when I saw that the next portion of this series had been posted. I can honestly say that... I fucking LOVE this series!

Ha! I'm liking these a fair bit... Though the name, his appearance/mental image 'I get anyway' I can't help but be reminded of the hero Graves, from League of Legends...

Anyway prolly overthinking things, or really out of it, damn ponies drive me to insomnia.... Really loving the series though either way.

Saw this and decided to read the whole series.
Extremely well done. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Good job by the way.
:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache: (well deserved mustaches)

This...This was created by GOD :raritystarry:
:heart: LOVE THIS :heart:

(Hope this works...)
Thought it'd be tacky to have 9 comments from myself in a row, so I'mma just do this and let you know that I love you all. Thanks for all the gifs, moustaches, hearts, and encouragements, and of course, unintelligible yelling (I'm looking at you, grey conscience :rainbowlaugh:). You guys (and girls) rock! Thanks!

Actually got a good bit of inspiration from him (good eye!). Think that, de-age him about 20 years, and it should actually be pretty close.

451985 Not a problem in the slightest my friend, only reason I didn't finish the first 4 in one night was cause I was up till 3 a.m. reading em. :rainbowkiss:

451985 By Celestia's mane, if any of us here make it big, we are all gonna MAKE them read your stories! :pinkiecrazy: ( Btw, New account, past one was EmeraldBlaze...oh well, one extra watching.:ajsmug: )

Ah another example of the stereotypical masculine behavior, not deal with ones emotions. Honestly he is keeping it all in, as society dictates a mascuine male should do with his emotions other then anger or such, and now he is only causing himself more pain. Honestly if he would just be more open with his feelings and talk about things he would come to realize that it is not as bad as it seems.

*shrugs with a sigh* Honestly, and one wonders why most crimes are caused by men. Its because they were raised in a society that made them think that aggression and domanince over everything is the only way to be masculine and also made them emotionally repressed. Really when you think about it most male crimes are the product of society's stereotypical view on things.

Good, good, shorter the the others but still good
For your hard work, you deserve a Derpy so here you go :derpytongue2:

All good so far!

keep up the good work my dear sir! :moustache:

:derpytongue2: CAMIO :derpytongue2: I FREAKING LOVE THIS :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: FIVE OUT FIVE LIKE ALLWAYS :heart:

Please don't tell me I'm the only one here who wanted to see those annoying diamond dogs jet shot between the eyes and knocked out for a couple of hours!

If it is just me I'll.....well........ enjoy my own little violent imagination and extra scene for this story :pinkiecrazy:

Any good writing software you guys use to write these storys? Got a plan but not good writing tools. Any suggestions?

I just use Microsoft Word. Set to no spacing with a left indent and just learn to use type brackets for bold, centering, italics, etc. Works for me.

465893 Thanks! now I only need to get it

Damnit Twilight! & yeah 465633 I definitely want to see that as well, so whatever!

Looking forward to next update!

.....ooooooh boy.....Twilight.....you really need to plan for weather....but then again maybe bad weather will help.....maybe.....

"He’s won’t be a bother, will he Rarity?”
I believe he's should be a he.
Can't wait.

Duly noted and adjusted: much appreciated! :twilightsmile:

a storm be brewin'... literally


If you ever lose Microsoft Words

Get this ---> Openoffice, free and like million times better than MS heh. Good chapter by the way.


Thanks! Was it good enough to get you to watch me? (I'm shameless when it comes to that):pinkiehappy:

Shits about to go down.

471230 because I said that in a different story

I can't belive it, Your series is the best one i've read and still you don't get the good attention you deserves, Those how havn't read this is missing out on some damn good fiction. :derpytongue2: Always five out of five :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: and five out of five :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:


And as always, your words fill my heart with sunshine all the while. :pinkiehappy: You sir, are a true gentleman, and I tip my hat to you.:moustache:

I love this fic. :pinkiehappy:
Okay, there are humans. Okay, the protagonist is a little stereotyped.
This is a simple story, there aren't vulgarities, useless violence and logical mistakes.
So... I love this fic. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:
(Sorry for my poor english :derpyderp1:)


Hey man, it's all good, and glad you're enjoying it! Have you started from the beginning of the series?


Yes... I read all :scootangel:
My favorites are Trouble Meets Disaster and Two Kinds of Complications :moustache:


Nice! If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions on what you liked, how I could improve, and so on, please send me a message. Thanks!

Think you can give us a picture of what these things look like? Be nice.


All in due time, my friend. All in due time. :raritywink:

I've gotta admit, I usualy utterly dispise humanised fics "HIE aside" but I do really like this series, I was just wondering earlyer today when this was gonna update again & another good chapter. Though what the hay is a Skullpion?

This story is great but its really sad to see It go without recognition but I hope you continue this story as many of these ideas are inspired. I especially love the spell guns does that mean in the normal universe he's a unicorn? Anyway great story great writing and a awesome writer good job


I usually update every two to three days so I have time to work on new installments. Just posted one today, and I'm hoping to post again Sunday. As for skullpions, they'll be revealed in the next chapter. :raritywink:

Oh yeah. Thanks for giving my stories a chance! I know a lot of people don't like humanized fics, which may be why my story is fairly low profile. I was wondering: what don't you like about them in general, and what makes mine different? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. :twilightsmile:

476558 Yup. Graves would be a unicorn. Actually one of the reasons why I humanized it: really wanted the spell gun idea, and it just didn't seem to work as ponies, among other things (like the necessity for clothes, for example).

And not gonna lie, low views make me sad, but people like you make me very, very happy indeed. I still have plenty of ideas, and I intend to put them all down in print: thanks for the support and hope you keep enjoying! :twilightsmile:

477548 Ah but of cource, I mean absolutely no disrespect. But sometimes authors will do totaly random things making the charactors act crazy "Which I'm guilty of, not very good writer" but the reason I don't usualy like it is because it's usualy like "Okay! This is a MLP fic everyone still has their names but Twilight is a pegasus & Fluttershy is now assertive & Rarity is now a hobo" Becomes something totally different then what it is based off of.

Though I really did/do like this story '& the series' after I read it. Though I'm curious what he would look like as a pony, are there any sketches or anything of him? Human or otherwise, cause I cant stop picturing him like the "Graves" from League of legends... Sorry! I tend to go on.

477580 No disrespect taken! :rainbowlaugh: True, people have bashed my stories for being humanized, but I appreciate your comment. The only reason I did it was because there were a few elements I really wanted to put in (like the spell gun, flexibility with clothing, etc.), that just didn't work as ponies. I try to stay true to the characters, so the only real difference it makes in my writing is saying "person" instead of "pony", "hands" instead of "hooves," and so on.

Actually, Graves from LoL isn't a bad comparison: I actually based the marshal's uniform off of his (though this Graves never wears it). De-age him to his early 20's, give him grey eyes, and it's a pretty fair comparison. As for pics, I'm a horrible, horrible artist, so I can't draw them myself. If I can find a good artist, hopefully I can commission some work. Keeping my fingers crossed! :twilightsmile:

The humanization is probably one of the main reasons I like it. Personality is the most important aspect anyway and humanizing does make the story flow easier.

Awesome chapter, and don't worry about the views you're giving the people who read it a wonderful story. :pinkiehappy:

what kind of chimera?

So that was what he fought in the beginning of the story. Clever J, clever. :derpytongue2:
Can't wait for more :heart:


Aw shucks, now yer makin' me blush. :eeyup:

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