• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014
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Rifts of Power and Darkness status · 3:39pm Jun 14th, 2016

Hey everypony, for those watching my story, I'm really sorry for the lack of updates, I've written myself into a wall and, after trying to finish chapter 5 for so long, it's been decided that I'm going to re-write the story starting from chapter 3, to get it to flow properly. I've also found a new editor who will be helping out with the re-write since Twidashforever has left the site. Maskinos will be my new editor, an increadible author, I'd

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Report BoltAshera · 330 views · Story: Rifts of Power and Darkness ·
Comments ( 78 )
  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78

It was a funny story, I enjoyed it.

Thanks for the favorite! I hope you enjoyed reading!

Welcome. I enjoyed the look at a possible, even likely, aftermath of the changeling attack.

Thank you for your interest in my story, Ladybugs Awake!

  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78
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