• Member Since 5th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2019


I've been told I'm good at writing. I guess you'll have to be the judge of that. I'll certainly help you if you ask


semi-weekly author: Thanqol (Next rotation: ?)
I like many stories, especially ones that focus on the characters and the story elements. If you wish to have me edit, co-author, story outlines, or just need that one idea to make a story out of then feel free to ask (although I recommend getting more than me for editing, due to potential time constraints).

Currently working on: (title-in-progress) forgotten life ; The game ; My Story Of Equestria by nospeedy (proofreading/editing);
Availability level: A bit here and there
Can currently edit/proofread: yes
Can currently co-author: yes
Can currently Outline story: yes
Can currently provide inspiration: yes


to those 3 who might want to know · 5:52pm Jan 16th, 2015

I'm working on another story, and with a bit of luck it'll be done within the month (but I'm not putting in a deadline after what happened last time). Better get ready, since Poor Fluttershy is coming "soon"

Report Endorb · 269 views ·

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Comments ( 13 )
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And there we go! Finally followed you back, FonyX good ol' pal. - Val

Thanks for the fave on Out of the Cold. I appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

Rush and Pony on!

1381849 honestly, I meant to hit read later. I haven't gotten to it yet. lol

Understandable, trust me though if you have a chance try them.

Think I'll just give you this link to a group.

1270330 they're the only S M T games I played sadly (no overclock) I don't think I'd have enough Money/systems/time for every game they've ever

Well, two of the three.

In all honesty though always nice to meet another SMT fan.

Especially Devil Survivor, it was my first, and I think it's not only the best of the series, one of the best of all time.

Overclocked of course.

1270217 maybe on YouTube? Or steam? Or memebase?

Hey nice avatar, feel like I've seen it before though. :rainbowlaugh:

1266962 that's just me missing a word when I changed the sentence structure. If i didn't look out for those, they'd be everywhere, trust me

Nah, I figure less is more in this case. Other than the obvious grammatical error. I mean, 'that you works?' really?

1266010 I see my mistake in terminology there. Can't change it on my phone though. And I'm glad you find it flattering, but just know that calling it my top four is inaccurate, as some of my favorite stories aren't ones I could just suggest to all (eg the Friday Night Twilight stories.) I'm still glad you took time to show a little appreciation. While I'm replying to you, any better ideas for my discription of your story?

Flattered to have made your top 4. Not sure I Can Wait is long enough to be considered a 'short novel,' though.

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