• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 30th, 2017



My God...NO MORE HIATUS!! BOO YA!! · 7:55am Jun 12th, 2014

YEAH!! You know what that means people? I'm free to write the stories!! YEAAAAAHHHH!!! So expect some chapters either next week or next month. Somewhere, I'm going to Disneyland! YAAAYY! But, other than that, see ya later, My Homies!

Report LikeaBaws · 481 views ·

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Comments ( 73 )
  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73

2226007 no problem man, I'll check out your stories. have a follow in return! :ajsmug:

2226001 By total accident! Was on the phone for this website, tried to scroll up and it browse, and accidentally hit "watch this guy!" Lol, oops. :derpyderp1:

I'll follow you though. So...yay! Oh! Please give my stories a read! (SELF PROMOTION!!) Most likely the Monopoly Empire Tycoon! So...thanks!

Hey there, thank you for the watch! How did I earn it? :ajsmug:

more of monopoly empire tycoon plz

Hey, thanks for the favorite on Outta My Mind! :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73
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My God...NO MORE HIATUS!! BOO YA!! · 7:55am Jun 12th, 2014

YEAH!! You know what that means people? I'm free to write the stories!! YEAAAAAHHHH!!! So expect some chapters either next week or next month. Somewhere, I'm going to Disneyland! YAAAYY! But, other than that, see ya later, My Homies!

Report LikeaBaws · 481 views ·