Top Favourites
Death Battle: Equestria Death Battle with ponies. Characters are researched, then pitted against each other in fights to the death, with pacifistic tendencies removed. Who would win in an Equestrian Death Battle? 98,000 words · 484 · 54
Epic Rap Battles of MLP a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do. 177,965 words · 1,911 · 92
Subject Delta - Rapturous for Equestria Subject Delta escapes Rapture, but find himself in an even stranger place. --Bioshock 2 Crossover-- 47,217 words · 1,331 · 32
Total Magic Pony Island Everyone's favorite reality gameshow comes to Equestria! A parody of "Survivor" and "Total Drama". 288,617 words · 515 · 38
Featured Stories
Ponykarts: The Grand Canterlot Race When 15 racers compete for 1 million bits, they go through a parody of Mario Karts and a whole bunch of levels, but only one racer will win. They shall go through dangerous worlds, even the human world, but who will come in first place? 9,481 words · 50 · 5
The Unknown War We have been at war for 5 years, but the battle was bloody. So bloody, we don't even remember why were fighting. But I have a story to tell. A dark, sad, bloody battle to tell. And it's gonna be a long one. 5,835 words · 32 · 5
Bioshock Infinite Vs MLP Booker and Elizabeth accidentally end up in Equestria...and bringing a few things that shouldn't have came through. Will The False Shepered and The Lamb defeat these...ponies and Songbird, or will they learn friendship and killing? 6,545 words · 60 · 5
The Solar Empire VS The New Lunar Republic When things get out of hand between Celestia and Luna, things go a-wall. When the Mane Six try to put a stop to this, they are put on different sides. Will the Mane Six be able to put a stop to this? Or will they die like heroes, and lose friendship? 11,899 words · 55 · 14
Kingdom Hearts Part One: The Chosen One The Crusaders were having a normal day, but then strange things have been happening. Strange things lurk in every corner. Heck, even Spike might have to join, but will they be able to save the world and their friends, or will they fall into darkness? 17,223 words · 53 · 6
2226007 no problem man, I'll check out your stories. have a follow in return!
2226001 By total accident! Was on the phone for this website, tried to scroll up and it browse, and accidentally hit "watch this guy!" Lol, oops.
I'll follow you though. So...yay! Oh! Please give my stories a read! (SELF PROMOTION!!) Most likely the Monopoly Empire Tycoon! So...thanks!
Hey there, thank you for the watch! How did I earn it?
more of monopoly empire tycoon plz
Hey, thanks for the favorite on Outta My Mind!