• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen June 6th



Frenemies Talk: What About Discord · 7:01pm Nov 10th, 2015

Frenemies Talk is a series started by Prane and Gulheru to deconstruct an episode and give their best impressions on it. They've been doing it for countless episodes and are an absolute pleasure to read. This time, they've invited The Sexy Assistant to give more philosophical thoughts on it. You may read all

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Report Wolfcape · 662 views ·
Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50

I like your avatar! <3

I'm still keeping an eye on it and used to be quite a hardcore supporter...but the conversion rates force me to stick to their PDFs because to purchase their visual novels was seriously expensive to me.

Wanderer D

2578806 Man, Dreamkeepers has been going on for a while, I don't remember when I started following it, but I've always loved the art style

Viriathus from Dreamkeepers Comic.

What is your profile pic from? I really want to see the full pic or more by the artist.

  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50
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