• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2017


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Chapter 5 is finally finished! And really short. · 7:58am Nov 12th, 2013

Alright, I finally decided to finish Chapter 5 after all these months, and it's probably a lot shorter than I could have done, but it's a pretty decent amount right? Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier but I procrastinate and I have so many games I want to play. You have no idea how many games I have not yet finished, there are SO MANY. So to make up the long wait for something so short, in my creative writing class I wrote a Dead Space fanfiction. I don't know if it makes anything up but

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Report FIREDRA6ON · 466 views ·

Favorite Characters from different shows/books/games

I like a large multitude of things so I'm going to make a list of my favorite characters (Not in order) with first writing the character's name with the name of what they are from next to it. I am only having one character per game/show/book.

1. Discord - My Little Pony (duh)
2. Master Chief - Halo
3. Sniper/Mr. Mundy - Team Fortress 2
4. Ezio Auditore - Assassin's Creed
5. The 11th Doctor - Doctor Who
6. Gandalf the Grey - Lord of the Rings
7. Sheldon Cooper - Big Bang Theory
8. Lee Everett - The Walking Dead (Game)
9. Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter
10. Boba Fett - Star Wars
11. Wheatley - Portal 2
12. Creeper - Minecraft (This counts right?)
13. Alcatraz - Crysis 2
14. Ellis - Left 4 Dead 2
15. Luigi - Super Mario Brothers
16. Paarthunax - Skyrim
17. Ike - Fire Emblem
18. Gordon Freeman - Half Life
19. Jay - Marble Hornets
20. Lucario - Pokemon
21. Ratchet - Ratchet & Clank
22. Agent 47 - Hitman
23. Ironman/Tony Stark - Marvel
24. Batman/Bruce Wayne - DC
25. Hot Shot - Transformers
26. Corvo Attano - Dishonored
27. Michael Townley - Grand Theft Auto V
28. Issac Clarke - Dead Space
29. Cole Phelps - L.A. Noire
30. Alex Mercer - Prototype
31. Commander Shepard - Mass Effect
32. Jackie Estacado - The Darkness
33. Marius - Ryse: Son of Rome
34. Booker Dewitt - Bioshock Infinite

I'll likely add more when I find a new interest or if it comes to mind. Keep in Mind that these are not in order by how much I like them, they are in order by when I put them down.

Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Hey thanks so much for the fav I'm glad you enjoy it and I wish you the best:derpytongue2:


Thanks for the fav! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for faving Gods Among Us

thanks for the fave

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