Thanks & Twitter/YouTube! · 10:51pm Sep 30th, 2012
First of all, big, big thanks to Cosmic and Dashie4Pres!
You guys really helped me stop being such an idiot and pull my head out the dumps, I'm back on track and will be giving Jewel another really hard lookover for edits, as well as asking for editors/proofreaders etc!
Prancypants and WhiteDiamonds were also awesome over on my DA page and the four of you have really helped encourage me to carry on.
Big ponyhugs to all of you!
I'm not sure if you will see this message, but will you ever finish re-uploading "The Jewel of Reinsburg?"
I reaaally wanted to read it, but never got the chance.
want more applejack Die hard 2
Hey man!
Thanks for dropping by!
Just a friend of Magnumopai's, dropping in to say hi.
Dude. Buddy. Cop. Ponies. Iron Will. As. Chief.
Instant Fave, it's going to be the next Fic I read without a doubt! :D