• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2014


I'm making this account because of the story of Moon Mender.


Hello. I do still exist. Apologies. · 7:35am Sep 4th, 2013

Hey... I'm really, really, REALLY sorry for not updating Away From The Acres. I've been so blocked for my ideas for the current segment I've been working on and I've been having ideas that I honestly think are better than my story at hand. I will not leave it behind though, as I really love what I've written so far, and I desperately want to continue it, but I've been grasping at straws for good ideas, among the chaos of college-searching and the like, and I seem to pick

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Mine is my first successful story! And I just can't write anything else into it. I've hit a kill-point, and I truly want to continue it, but it makes me sick that I can't add any more. I know that feel, man. Except most of my non-pony writing is just poetry, but nonetheless. Writer's block affects us all, I suppose.

I know how you feel. I'm writing two other stories right now (not pony) and one has been under the writer's block on and off for almost 6 years... :pinkiesick: it makes me queasy to think about, because it's probably the thing that got me started writing in the first place.

Indeed indeed! Still enjoying it, and still left wanting more after every chapter! Keep it going, good sir, and I pray that eventually, I can get over the writers block I've been experiencing for like, three months now.

So, belated thank you for fav on 'Chaser'! Also, thanks for the comments, and support.:pinkiesmile: It's really one of the main reasons I keep doing this, knowing that ponies are out there enjoying it.

Thanks for the fav

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