• Member Since 26th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Young author looking to improve skill.


Back At It Again! · 11:04pm Jul 4th, 2018

Hey everyone! It's been awhile huh? I've been working on some important projects lately and recently came back here earlier to post an omniship story that lost some steam (but will return honest). I'm just posting to show that I'm going to be more active and I was working on a Twilestia story based on Slime Rancher! I'm pretty excited to be writing Twilestia again! So keep an eye out for that! I probably will return to Learning to Love soon but I'm not that sure yet. Peace out guys and thanks

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Thanks for the fave

Thank you for the fave :yay:

Thanks for the fave, m8. Don't forget to rate and comment.

Thanks for the fav!

Thank you so much for the favorite on "Lingering Shadows!" :twilightsmile: I really appreciate it!

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