1 users follow NLRsoldier
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I know you've been here a while, but have a welcome anyways!
Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you!
Welcome welcome welcome! I say, how do you do?
Welcome welcome welcome to a choice you won't regret!
Welcome welcome welcome to!
Thanks for following me!
It means a lot to me and I hope my stories continue to entertain you in some way.
Thank ya kindly for tracking Changes! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.
to all of my followers:
as of tonight, I am officially writing the first chapter of the sequel to "My Daughter Maree", which shall be entitled "Dusk Village". To those of you who have not yet been told, the first chapter (possibly chapters?) will be released August 25th (Saturday), sometime between 10:00pm-11:00pm EST. Be sure to check it out, leave comments, and let me know what you all think .We'll see you then. For now, I've got work to do!
no problem your writing is so fucking cash
And now, thanks for the favorite on Families!