• Member Since 4th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 27th, 2020

D34dly F1ng3r

Beginning author with a lot of ideas for future stories. Currently attending college, so classes may affect how often I can post.

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Blackest Knight progress · 3:42am Mar 7th, 2015

I've been getting a couple complaints that Blackest Knight's quality has been slipping. I am really sorry for that, I know I have been pacing it too fast, but I just haven't really had time to write it how I want to.

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Report D34dly F1ng3r · 407 views · Story: Blackest Knight ·
Comments ( 26 )
  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26

Hey, I just finished reading the last chapter of your story; and I have to say, you made me shed some (manly) tears in the end. Overall, and amazing story:twilightsmile:

You can do it I believe in you

It truly is, I have much to learn about storytelling if I hope to make one as good as that.

1687004 it is the best story ever

Well, that was a good story. The plot blew me away. The feels were too much!

  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26
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