The Bombed Audition: A Ponies Protecting Ponies TaleYou never know who has an interest in your career, or when that career might have the most extreme shift possible. Lyra Heartstrings is about to find out that there are far worse things to happen during a performance than playing a few wrong Venates
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Ponies Protecting PoniesThe PPP is a secret oganization tasked with keeping Equestria safe. No pony knows who they are; their agents blend into the background just like any other pony. With their expertise, keeping the unicorn Twilight Sparkle safe should be no Venates
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Early in the Horn: A Ponies Protecting Ponies TaleAmethyst Star has been trained to handle threats to Equestria. She was not trained for children. Her first night watching one makes her rethink what should have been covered at the Venates
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Ponies Protecting Ponies: The Return of ChaosThe PPP has a long history of keeping Equestria safe. A long and often untold history. When a sect attempts to resurrect an ancient spirit, old, harsh truths come to light and threaten the foundation of this secret Venates
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Lyra Heartstrings is a cantankerous secret agent, to put things mildly. At least she can do her job well. Having her as a roommate is another story entirely.
You never know who has an interest in your career, or when that career might have the most extreme shift possible. Lyra Heartstrings is about to find out that there are far worse things to happen during a performance than playing a few wrong notes.
Amethyst Star has been trained to handle threats to Equestria. She was not trained for children. Her first night watching one makes her rethink what should have been covered at the academy.
The PPP has a long history of keeping Equestria safe. A long and often untold history. When a sect attempts to resurrect an ancient spirit, old, harsh truths come to light and threaten the foundation of this secret agency.
At Equestria's newest academy, six perfectly qualified ponies teach the foundations of harmony to a batch of wide-eyed youths. Well, perhaps "perfectly qualified" is a bit of a stretch...
Death usually brings more questions than answers. Grieving the loss of someone close, one unicorn tries to unravel the mysteries behind life, death, and those who defy both. After all, why can't every pony live forever?
Ur a butt.
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- PedroHander