• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!


This story is a sequel to The Dragonfly Lake

Berry Punch and Anon have traveled to Prance, at long last! They've managed to not get sick on the flight, and they've managed to find a place to stay in a small town on the outskirts of a major city. Everything is going great... but then Berry is shown in shocking, glowing color something that her life is missing.

WARNING: Contains discussions of illness and death, inuendo, and thoughts about pregnancy/childbirth. No death or sex actually takes place.

This story is part of the Berry Punch's Broken Love series. You do not need to read the other parts to 'enjoy' this story.

Art by Esc. Go give them some love!!!

Chapters (1)

How hard is it to take care of a baby on your own, right? Cadance quickly finds that motherhood isn't all that it's cracked up to be. And with Shining Armor away, the responsibility falls entirely on her to figure it out. Even if her methods are... a little unorthodox.

This story is for the Cadance is a Terrible Mom Competition! Sorry I got it in so late!

Art by Sugarberry, so go give them some love!!

Chapters (1)

You love working in Fluttershy's garden! However, it seems like something else loves her garden too: SLUGS! Fluttershy doesn't appear to be very happy about it. But why is she reacting so strongly?

WARNING!: Contains animal cruelty.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Saying Goodbye

As her illness progresses, Berry Punch has to face the facts that sometimes she just can't do things. Saying that out loud and accepting it is a completely different matter. Especially when she's so afraid of dragging down someone she loves so much.

WARNING: Contains discussions of illness and death, depictions of illness, and sexual innuendo. No death or sex actually takes place.

This story is part of the Berry Punch's Broken Love series. You do not need to read the other parts to 'enjoy' this story.

Art by t72b. Go give them some love!!!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Can't Sleep

Before Berry Punch can move on with her life, she needs to put the past to rest. That means saying goodbye to someone who has meant so much to her and helped her along the way. Even... if they can't say goodbye back.

WARNING: Contains discussions on death, illness, and the name Anon. Probably isn't exactly what you think.

This story is a part of the Broken Love series. It will make more sense with previous parts.

Chapters (1)

All you wanted was a nice day in the park to relax. But soon, you're conscripted as a secret agent, underground, trying to deal with all manner of bullshit. Why is Bon Bo-I MEAN Special Agent Sweetie Drops dragging you everywhere, and what's at the center of this maze?

WARNING!: Contains puns.

Co-written with Eighth, who is nice and sweet and ruins all my best laid plans. <3

Chapters (1)

Motherhood is hard, as Shining Armor knows, and Cadance has been dealing with a lot lately. So, when Shining comes home, he's not too surprised that she seems a little... off. But it doesn't take long before he realizes something is not quite right. In fact, there might be something weird in the very foundation of their family...

Warning: Is a lot more harmless than the title and description might lead you to believe...

Chapters (1)

Sugar Belle has always wanted to open a small cupcake bakery, and now she's finally getting the chance. It may be temporary, but she's excited, and Princess Twilight was even in town to help! Unfortunately, another group of customers is in town, and they're... hungry...

A slight Spongebob Squarepants crossover. RIP Stephen Hillenburg. :(

Done as a commission for the very creative Level Dasher, who has impeccable timing.

Chapters (1)

Spike isn't used to having so many girls interested in him! Or... any girls interested in him, to be honest. But now he has tickets to a big royal ball, and also a big decision to make. There are four ladies who seem to be crushing on him, but he can't decide who to take to the ball! So, he turns to the princess of love herself to help him out. Unfortunately, Princess Cadance's words of wisdom might not be the ones he wants to hear.

Warning: Contains a little mean-ness to Spike. But only a little.

Written as a commission for the wonderful Olden Bronie, who would be a great date to take to a royal ball. :)
Art (and inspiration for the commission prompt) by Cogweaver, so go give him some love.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wait For Me To Come Home

Berry punch circled a date on her calendar a long time ago, and now she can't stop thinking about it. It's not a nice date to remember, and not one she even wants to acknowledge. But she also knows that, when that day comes, she's going to feel like everything has changed for her. It will take someone who loves her deeply to give her some perspective on it all.

WARNING: Contains discussions on sickness and dying, depressing themes, the name 'Anon' and bland pasta. Death tag for morbid discussion only.

This story is part of the Broken Love series, but can be enjoyed without reading previous parts.

Art done by Torifeather, go give them some love.

Chapters (1)