• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen February 6th


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!


This story is a sequel to The Dragonfly Lake

Berry Punch and Anon have traveled to Prance, at long last! They've managed to not get sick on the flight, and they've managed to find a place to stay in a small town on the outskirts of a major city. Everything is going great... but then Berry is shown in shocking, glowing color something that her life is missing.

WARNING: Contains discussions of illness and death, inuendo, and thoughts about pregnancy/childbirth. No death or sex actually takes place.

This story is part of the Berry Punch's Broken Love series. You do not need to read the other parts to 'enjoy' this story.

Art by Esc. Go give them some love!!!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )


LOL don't get too excited...

damn you weren't kidding around

*raises a glass*

To Anonpencil.

Just read this and oh my god I'm so happy you posted this. Thank you for another entry to the Broken Love series. You write Berry Punch so damn well, and whenever you have a moment to just eloquently interweave moments of deep thought is just a chef's kiss moment, stg. Will read this again (most likely several times).

Only critique I have is that it seems a bit odd for a colt to say 'kids', and the word 'children' being used in this but honestly it's a nitpick more than anything. Plus I switched them up unconsciously in my head anyway so w/e.

Hope to see more from you, Anonpencil! :twilightsmile:

Ahh, the ways kids can both make you feel so full and wonderful one moment, and then empty and torn apart the next. That's a special skill that only a genuine kind of honesty and innocence can do.
Kids are terrifying. Especially kids without iPads-

It was a nice read. I like the slow, melancholy of it all. But I think I'm going to be murdered by someone for not having read the other fics first-

Only small twinge I could say is, to focus on ponifying it a bit. 'Kids' to 'fillies or foals' and stuff like that. But seeing the break, I can fully understand it :raritywink:

And just do me one favor? Never stop going after the things you want.


Thanks for this, it was nice. 🙏🏽

Wow, I did not expect Berry to make me emotional tonight. Good work.

As someone who developed POTS last year, going from "fairly athletic" to "barely able to walk across my house on some days", this entire series has been something of a cathartic ride for me, and I'm extremely happy to see another installment :twilightsmile:

I read this and really did realize that it’s a reflection of me - my bloodline and every choice my ancestors made going all the way back to the primordial ooze is going to end with me. And on top of that, I won’t have the decency to die in battle or doing something worthwhile - it’ll probably be cancer or heart failure in my 50s-60s.

It’s rough, you know? Being able to clearly recognize the weight of all the failure, but being so inept that you can’t do anything about it. Some days I with I could just be stupid enough to not notice - idiocy is bliss and all that.

Enough about my problems - this was written very well, and good horsewords is always something brightening my day.

They say art comes from suffering, and god damn them for being right.



I do hear the criticism you guys are giving and why you're giving it. I appreciate that. I won't be changing any of the mentions of "kids" or "children" in this case though. It wouldn't be... as accurate if I changed that language tbh, even if it would be more ponified.


Anyway, thanks for reading, guys. sincerely. I know it's not a bucket of laughs, and I'm sorry if it resonated in any way with any of you. It shouldn't, or better said, shouldn't have to. Please take care of yourselves. :heart:

No need to apologize. It's a good story, and a relatable struggle for some.

(Got my own demons to handle. It helps when there are ways to talk about it.)

This doesn't happen often... but words are failing me here... but honor demands that I try though I'll need a moment. I think the Greek word "Catharsis" would perhaps be closest. A tragedy so relatable, a horror so resonant, that it achieves something sublime. As someone that's terminally & chronically ill, I don't know that I can ever properly thank you for continuing this series. These stories make me weep, make me smile... they make me remember that life is far more beautiful & monstrous that we care to admit... perhaps are even afraid of admitting. Thank you for your courage in writing this. I know it might seem ridiculous to some... being so thankful so inarticulately moved so having felt seen... by an AnonXColorfulCartoonHorse fic... but you've encapsulated something here... something that I've seen many other artists try & fail to do. I'm going to let myself cry & then sleep... but after that, I'll see about going about living... because you've reminded me that even with my dwindling mortality that I still have some of that to do!

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