• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 7th, 2012


I became a brony from hearing it on the yogscast


I saw the slenderman · 9:55pm Mar 3rd, 2012

So I woke up on March 1st 2012 to go to school. It was about 5:53 Am (I go to school at 7:00 AM) I looked out the glass doors (not the sliding kind of glass doors) and I saw a dark figure. Many limbs on his back, surrounded by a dark aura, and..... he waved at me. He lifted his dark hand and waved at me. Then he disappeared in a black mist. I went outside and there was no sign of him except that there was black goo where he once stood. But it doesn't stop there. At school, every once in a

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