Rarity didn't believe in ghost stories. That all changed when she found a ghost while helping Sunset Shimmer clean the library's attic.
A romance written by an idiot who smashes canon with a brick, and doesn't know how to write romance. So there's not really any romance. Inspired by what I thought The Enchanted Library was about.
This story is part of the First and Only Raritwi Bomb. A week's worth of stories and art all centered around Rarity and Twilight. If you liked it, the previous story posted is FillyFoolish's "Lamentations", and you can find a master list of all Raritwi Bomb content here, [DING]
Also Sunset is the Element of Magic now. So that's a thing.
A student died near here, you know.
Man, I had no idea what to expect going into this, but it was funny and very sweet, and there's really a lot of great ideas here that I would love to see fleshed out in some form or another.
TEL Twilight x BCU Somnambula when?
Those are some fun story snippets that could be expanded into larger stories, if you find the inspiration.
Don't you put that evil on me. I was up for days consulting on bean based sex jokes. No more BCU.
yes more BCU. Though admittedly I'm also known as the BCU writer who barely has beans in it.
I'm shocked and appalled that I didn't notice that and try to slip a joke there,
I talked about it with R5h, the conclusion is I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this, and where I stopped is more a result of running dry of references to cram in. Especially since I referenced my own goddamn fic in it, solely because it deals with a shitton of undead and augmented lich, which would invoke way too much wacky escalation in tone.
However, as mentioned in footnote 2, i am somewhat interested in the idea of switching the places of Sunset and Twilight, perhaps without killing off Twilight for the sake of a reference. (unless i can fuel some sort of alternate EQG plot with it)
End notes! It's like I'm reading My Little Capital: Labor-Power is Magic. Is Rarity supposed to be the coat or the twenty yards of linen?
I have no idea what you are talking about
End notes with the little numbers. You hardly ever see them outside of in-depth non-fiction books. Their use here is an amusing anachronism. In fact, I wonder if it is a literary device that could be utilized to achieve a particular effect in fiction writing. I have seen it done before, notably in Pale Fire, but that was pretending to be a detailed analysis of an epic poem. Oo, I bet that they would be useful in writing a first-person story from Twilight's perspective. If any character's thoughts have annotations, they would be hers. The mechanics of that would be difficult, to be sure, but it would certainly have comic potential. They were used as vehicles for jokes on occasion in both Pale Fire and in Capital, come to think of it. Hmm.
Oh that. They're really common in Discworld books to point out funny stuff Pratchett puts in. I distinctly remember a few pone fics I've read that had a bunch of footnotes (though yes, its not all that common, and I forgot who), which is what I sorta based the format for mine on. MLP Time Loops uses them extensively to help keep track of all the compiled short stories, though lately they've been not really making them as detailed as I think they should be (which is why I wasted like 3 months fixing up half of the notes document)
Here it's mostly to point out what I'm referring to in my author commentary.
found some
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/259853/fridge-horror (this footnote style is inspired by iisaw)
Would love to see a sequel to this, I'm also curious as to what Berry Punch is going to do to help. As well as the history behind this particular comment.
The [9] footnote leads to a link to my other fic, filled with the not dead. Because anything longer than a single scene ends in me cramming references.
As for sequel, tbh, this was more a failed experiment, since I'm garbo with romance. It instead inspired a second idea I tentatively wrote called Dusk Over Dawn, in which Twilight and Sunset's ages are swapped, of which I'm still mulling on.
The heck?
I think I'd like to see this taken in much broader strokes, a longer piece exploring the AU fully (with a few less footnotes, perhaps). What actually changes if you put Sunset in Twilight's place?
This closest you can get with something that's already written is probably MagnetBolt's Witch of the Everfree fic. I don't actually recall any fic where Sunset straight up doesn't leave, though that may be just due to me being in different circles.
I ... attempted doing the whole Twilight <--> Sunset role swap with the fic "Dusk Over Dawn", but I haven't really been able to come up with anything interesting outside of the prompt premise.
well darn :C
I'm honestly surprised there doesn't seem to be a story where Sunset just, like, stays a student? Even disregarding Twilight being the older one.
Very intriguing! I love how naturally the doll ended up feeling, which I completely credit to your excellent writing.