• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
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Male. Los Angeles, California. Hmm. I have a WPM of 65. Meh. Occasionally arts. Lord of Dorkness's #1 fan. User #26976. inb4 Crossover


Random Idea #84: Aeroformula · 4:53am Sep 25th, 2023


Random Idea #83: Sword vs Gun fights (in visual media) · 5:02am Apr 4th, 2023

I had some shower thoughts after watching some various fight shows, specifically about choreography. So, I assume we’re all broadly familiar with sword fights.

Note that “gun” and “sword” here are simply shorthand for any ranged, projectile weapon and any melee weapon, punches and kicks included.

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Report AppleTank · 154 views · #random idea

Idea #82: A random review of Cyberformula: Road to the Infinity 1 to 4 · 6:27am Feb 14th, 2023

The audience for this game outside of Japan is probably in the low hundreds, but after binging the games for the past two weeks, I needed some way to organize my thoughts.

First of all, what is Cyberformula?

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Report AppleTank · 131 views · #cyberformula

Idea #75: Worldbuiling Bonus 1 · 8:06pm Nov 19th, 2022

Bonus content to Idea #75: Worldbuilding

Sonic Franchise
Seriously, how the hell did I forget about the franchise memetically associated with hundreds of fan OCs?
1) Setting: Mobius and other various locales seem to imply a fairly Earth like world [1]
2) Inhabitants: waves hand in the vague direction of sonic OCs [1]
3) Population: Varied and numerous. Generally small woodland creatures, and Eggman [1]

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Random Idea #81: Complaining about Scale in third person POV games · 5:10am Apr 8th, 2022

In most games at human-scale, and even car scale to a certain extent, the 3rd POV doesn’t greatly change how large things appear to be. Your avatar is still going to look small when standing next to a large truck. The game “It Takes Two” is a great example of this, since the characters are shrunk to the size of dolls and tossed into the insides of machines and snowglobes. A gear the size of a hand now towers over you. You really feel small and fragile, where any misstep will crush you. The

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Report AppleTank · 212 views ·

Random Idea #80: Pink Goo Scenario · 8:15pm Mar 19th, 2022

From musings about Grey Goo, a mass of flowing nanomachines consuming everything to make more of itself, I wondered about someone going about something similar but via using biology. In a sense, cells are tiny machines too, and DNA their code.

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Diary Updoot: End of Arc 2 · 6:35am Mar 4th, 2022

Hey, so, someone's still reading this, to my eternal surprise.

What also surprised me is that ... actually got here, the end of Arc 2. Only took me *checks notes* 7 years. Taken as a whole, that's about 10K per year, which uh, ain't great. Its taken me so long, in fact, that I barely thought about how the plot goes in Arc 3, 4, and 5 (a bit too much thought about Arc 6 and 1000000 though). My notes literally stop halfway through Arc 3, which wasn't a problem for 7 years.

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Random Idea #79: Formula Tank · 4:24am Feb 27th, 2022

Formula Tank:

V1: An alternative FSAE school club/project

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Idea #78: Rambling about Girls Und Panzer, worldbuilding, and fanworks · 6:43am Jan 16th, 2022

Rambling about GuP worldbuilding, plots

Spoilers ahead

The main premise of Girls Und Panzer is both its greatest assest, and also its heaviest chain. For those who don't know, the anime tells the story of a high school sport for girls consisting of tank on tank combat. Somehow, nobody dies.

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Idea #75 Part 2: The Why of Worldbuilding · 6:12am Dec 17th, 2021

A companion piece to Idea #75: Thesis on the flexibility of G4. This is more musings, and not expected to be very long, nor some big revelation. Thanks to Aquaman for the discussion.

1) Introduction

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