• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 46 minutes ago


Male. Los Angeles, California. Hmm. I have a WPM of 65. Meh. Occasionally arts. Lord of Dorkness's #1 fan. User #26976. inb4 Crossover


This is TF Foundries, proud producer of things great and small. We offer cutting edge tools and materials for your everyday needs, such as pans, bats, chainsaws, shotguns, rifles, explosives, high explosives, chaotic-explosives, and our best known product, hired guns.

Thank you for visiting TF Foundries. Today, we are happy to present to you some of the most powerful persons Equestria has to offer. Let us Meet the Team.

And once again: Welcome. Welcome to TF Foundries.

1) TF Foundries should be enough to let you figure out what crossover it is.
2) This was supposed to be a Meet the Team parody, until I accidentally gave it a disjointed plot. Expect the interviews to start getting stranger and stranger.
3) Cookie to whoever gets where I ripped the last line of the Description from.
4) Thanks for Aziraphael, _Medicshy, Skeeter_The_Lurker and Appletank for looking this over
5) Ponies are Hasbro's and Faust's, and other disclaimer thingies. Team Fortress 2 is Valve's and other disclaimer thingies.
6) Sorry for the image quality. Going to the source will make it look much better.
7) This is a Team Fortress Crossover

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 38 )

XD Love it. The chapters are short enough to enjoy at any time, but long enough to fit in lots of charm and personality!

Well now this is a coincidence I never expected to see. Then again, if I'd been paying more attention to the TF2 group I probably would have noticed sooner.
I should've known that there would be someone else other than me writing a parody of the Meet the Team videos. And like mine, it also seems to be detracting from the 'storyline' of the original videos. Heck, you've even got the interviewer's identity in doubt, and my readers have been mentioning that my interviewer isn't who she seems to be lately.
... The coincidences of the Internet never cease to amaze me.
Anyway, you're doing quite well as far as I can tell. Don't stop writing - ever - because all of us readers will be waiting for your next chapter. 13 people are already awaiting the next update. I'm proud to call myself the 14th.
*Likes and favourites*

EDIT: Think I noticed a mistake here. “I can not be contained.The hurricane goes where the hurricane wants,” she boasted. (Meet the Scout)
Missed a space between the full stop and The. (I'm really too particular about these things.)

EDIT 2: “But hey, its a relaxing job, organized chaos. Not exactly my type of lunch, but at least I don’t get Rainbow’ed. (Meet the Demoman) Missed the " at the end. Same for Meet the Soldier - “A good soldier (like me, obviously,) is also proficient in improvisation. So, we combined that with surprise and stealth. - and Meet the Sniper - “It all worked out, in the end, as you might notice. A Sniper is generally further from the action, a long ranged assassin. - and - We all pitched in to get much of this equipment shipped to this shop, though I still spent a good portion of my time here. - but then again I'm hardly the best at deciding what is correct and what is not when it comes to writing. So do what you think is accurate, because you probably are right.

EDIT 3: Meet the Soldier - Several rockets floated out of her flowing hair, and armed them by flipping open the claws. I think there should be a "she" somewhere in that to convey the fact that it is Nightmare Moon who is arming the rockets, but refer to above edit and remember about the regular lack of accuracy of my corrections. Also, still in the same chapter, as the alicorn explosive jumped away into the darkness. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by alicorn explosive - since I assume that the Soldier is not explosive - so there might be something wrong here. I'm not sure.

EDIT 4: This comment is getting really long. But anyway: The recoil blasted her through the door knocking over a few workers and some security guards - should there be a comma between "door" and "knocking"? May just be me though.

EDIT 5: Scout’s generally are great at ambushing and hit ‘n runs. - Meet the Spy. I thought there was only one scout in this story, and even then it should be "Scouts" and not "Scout's". And here I am being particular again. Just ignore my rambling if you want. And also: Not seeing anything out of the ordinary is a good thing.. - Extra full stop there.

EDIT 6: Again for Meet the Spy: and hopefully away from these mercenary’s reach. Should it be "mercenaries' reach" instead, since there's more than one of them? Change things at your discretion, I guess.

I got to go to class now, but you have no idea how much squee I'm producing.

I'll look over the problems when I get back.
And Thank you, thank you for visiting TF Foundries.
Whether you are here to stay, or off to other places unknown, we hope you enjoy your stay here.

And,,,done, I looked it over, and I agree with all of them except for Cadance, since she has't finished talking.
The main reason I decided to start writing this was because I noticed that even though their personalities matched rather closely, Very few of the Main 6 seemed like cold blooded killers, or heck, even very good at it. RD/Scout, Flutter/Medic, and maybe Macintosh/Heavy would seem normal holding the weapons/items and acting out said role. Especially Rainbow, since she's speedy and all. The rest are all personality based. Applejack has a southern accent, and I won't say she's dumb, but she doesn't seem like one who would invent a sentry gun. Zecora casually lobbing explosives everywhere? Eh. Spike isn't that crazy. Rarity....I think the main reason was because they both like dressing sharp. That's it. I can't really see her stabbing people in the back and flicking the blood off. Twilight and Sniper both have pragmatic personalities, but she's more of a brainiac than a shooter. Pinkie? Burning everyone? She seems to be more of a knife kind of gal, and actually be better suited as a spy in Pinkamena mode.

I will admit, Cadance as Sniper was a tenuous choice at best, since Sniper was the only slot left.
Everyone else, in my opinon, has a good reason to be in their slot, and do pretty damn well doing it. As mentioned in my source image, screw personality. This time, roles are based on skillset.
Firefly is still fast, still fits Scout.
Nightmare is crazy. Soldier is crazy. She has an army of ghost soldiers, Soldier thinks he is a general of decapitated heads.
Pyro = Fire. Celestia = Sun = Fire. Duh. And for a side arm, she prefers the Solar Flare over the flare gun. And the reason I'm not spoiler tagging this is because its on the freaking cover art.
Discord. Bombs ~ chaos. Kablooie.
Heavy tanks. Sombra is half magic here, and can quickly regenerate wounds from his magic reserves like the Quick Fix.
Engineer, smarts, Twilight.
Medic, Night is a time for rest and recuperation, and I think somewhere in Greek Mythology has this.
Spy. Chrysalis. Her entire species is known for infiltration, why wouldn't I choose her?

And even if the Main 6 + 3 were competent, this is TF Foundries. We aren't satisfied with competent. We want the very best. No impurities. Just raw power. Need I mention Chaotic explosives from a certain explosives and a castable Solar Flare spell?

Heh heh... mine aren't so much of a personality comparison as it is a fusion of personalities, so that Sniper Twilight, say, is part Twilight and part Sniper - the drive to learn comes from Twilight, and the efficient killer side comes from the Sniper. Something like that.

Oh, and in Pinkamena mode, to me at least, she'll be more in the "destroy everything" mentality, and senseless brutality is one of the best ways to express that mindset. In my opinion, that is. She just seems a bit too... unrefined to be a Spy. At any rate, Rarity doesn't seem like the type of pony suited for front-line combat, and well... Chrysalis is elsewhere in my story. I'm not going to reveal anything until my story does it for me.

In fact, now that I think about it, all the overpowered characters - Alicorns, Draconequui, and other creatures that have wings and a horn - are all not in the team because it would make the class they're representing too powerful. And this is supposed to be a fair game. For me at least.

Also, you might think your weapons are really good and... explosive compared to mine, but wait till I get to MvM! When that happens... well, your weapons will probably still be better, but that's not the point. Have you ever seen an explosive so powerful it blows up the whole map? No? I thought not, since I haven't either. Those things are potent, you'd better keep them out of Discord's reach. Who knows what he'll-
fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/204/2/7/mlp__picture_it____discord_by_tifa_the_strange-d58bg1b.png Too late.

... Oh no.

Spoiler: My Mann v Machine will wither be titled
Mare vs. Machine
Pony vs. Phony.
Spoiler 2:
I have practically gave all my pre-readers a headache when I tried to explain to them what this is actually turning into: A rescue operation.

Random: Imagine what TF2 would be like if the Snipers got access to a .50 caliber machine gun with a scope, a sentry gun that can see through walls, and a grenade launcher that causes random effects each time you fire it.

Lol... *spoiler* my entire MvM doesn't even include robots. I've got to find a better name for it. Hm...

At any rate, it looks like you're also moving beyond just Meet the Team. I look forward to seeing the day when this fic becomes a story of its own.

...And while you're busy making rescue operations, I'm busy orchestrating a war of massive proportions. Guess that just goes to show who's more bloodthirsty sadistic violent warlike drama-loving.

I'm currently in the process of making Meet the Engi less brain-breaking.
And tearing at my hair every time I read the dialogue for Medic and Pyro.
I appear to suck at dialogue more as time went on.

When it comes to things I suck at accurate characterization takes the cake.

The only type of characters I've been able to write well consistently are my own OC's, an eccentric lonely genetic shapeshifter, a cynical intra dimensional warrior, a stoic cyborg, and an insane chaos-machine infected pony.

I'm trying to learn how to "get in character" of characters I didn't create.

You and me both. One of the reasons why I decided upon a fusion of characters of the ponies and mercs was because I couldn't characterize, so I decided to use the blend of characteristics that I could write the best for each character.

I still wasn't able to write them well, but at least I did it better than I might have otherwise.

Not bad. Not bad at all. For some reason I am now envisioning Luna shooting syringes out of her horn. No idea why.
I'm looking forward to crazy Celestia too. "One shudders to imagine what in...pony? thoughts lie behind that mask."
Do you believe in magic... even though anypony with a horn can use it...:trollestia:

Also, this chapter was a little on the heavy (get it? Heavy? ha ha ha... my jokes are lame) side in terms of errors. Have a look.

she held up a hoof, then slowly nodded briskly. If I'm not mistaken, slow is pretty much the opposite of brisk.
Only Nightmare seemed to enjoy the feeling of falling multiple stories while smashing through every single floor along the way. Discord just laughed all the way down. So... Discord was laughing but not enjoying it? Then again, it is Discord. He doesn't have to make sense.
Despite its nonchalance, Luna couldn’t help but feel a little bit of irrational apprehension. She always did near her. Does the 'it' and the 'her' refer to the same pony, or am I just misunderstanding things as usual?

Anyways, I'm waiting eagerly for the next chapter. I'm sure everyone else is too... except they don't put it in a comment, I guess.

Now I'm picturing Celestia with a "crazy twilight" style manic grin beneath her mask.....

...What did Twilight do to them?

Well well well. A most interesting interpretation of the Pyro. I await the last interview with much anticipation.

Also, I couldn't find any errors. That might, however, be because my sleep-deprived brain doesn't allow me to recognize inaccuracies easily. Just one question though. What is a Floo jump?

Off handed reference to Harry Potter (floo network, that fireplace thing they do), describing the teleport. Basically, her mental processes are at an all time low. A supercomputer can do many things, but if you leave it in sleep mode, its dumber than an ant.

Ah, it makes more sense now. Too bad I've never really read Harry Potter.

Sorry, was away at camp when this came out. I wanted to read it sooner, but... there are no phones in camp. Sigh. Going to read Engineer now.

Anyway, slight spelling mistake here: He stepped back an allowed other creatures to step forwards. Should it be "and" instead of "an"?

Just read it. It seems Twilight has some odd things going on with her head...

So by the way, did you forget to put the closed italics or is it just me? Because everything is in italics. Also, “Oh, that? Sorry, its a sensor of sorts. It doesn’t actually shoot ponies, it just alerts me. The red laser blinked purple for a moment, then disappeared. Think you forgot to end that spoken sentence with a ".

So, before I read, why'd you credit yourself as a prereader if you're the author?


Uh-huh. What would you like me to do after I read this anyway?

See if there are any lingering errors, especially on Number 10, Director, since I have no feedback on it, at all, and its the one I worry the most over since
1) I suck at character interacting dialogue
2) It gave 2 or 3 of my prereaders headaches.


I told you that we're alike, man.

Even if I get no comments from now on, I would keep on posting chapters (after I finish my cynical Christmas story, see this blog), but like many authors before me have said, a little appreciation is nice.

Plus, I need to stop procrastinating on drawing and reading ponies and instead get some HW done.


I also like the way you change subjects. I have a feeling you and me are going to be friends, even if it's only me that thinks we're friends.

(Just got back)
What subjects? Story genres? I doubt it.
Things I know about my writing style:
Can't romance. Got no experience, won't even try. Will avoid whenever reasonable
Lots of one shot ideas, have a creeping feeling that I may have somethings no one really haven't done before.
I'm kinda cynical, and some characters will reflect it.
I have an original universe/multiverse called The Great Multiverse Theory. It's "laws" aim to be able to fit any scenario, any universe, and any other multiverse. Those who claim otherwise will be, with a bit of reordering, fitted within my grasp.


No, man. I said that we think alike, and you went on talking about writing a Christmas story. You're very good at changing subjects.

Fricking hell, I forgot about Firefly. Um, Word of God says that she wasn't really there. Mostly a ghost clone since her tech wasn't really new.

And once again: Welcome. Welcome to TF Foundries
Guessing Half life 2

Yeah, pretty much. I'm somewhat surprised people still come here. I got to the last 2 chapters, looked at it, then questioned what the hell I was doing.

“Have a Joak.” *Fwump*. The bundle of avianfied Poison Joak

Joke. Seriously, You're the second author who's done that.

You do realize that's what the plant was called? "Poison Joak"

It’s a pun on poison oak.

i thought it was going to be dash. oh well, you really put all effort into this to make firefly be just like scout, and you truly did.

i refused to just copy everyone else's tf2 pony conversions. In the unfinished rewrite, Dash is instead Saxton Hale.

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