Chrysalis sent Twilight deep into the abandoned caves beneath Canterlot to stop her from interfering with her conquest of Equestria, but what if that was not the first time Twilight has been down there. And what if Celestia was not the first individual to take notice of Twilight's potential, nor the most powerful. What happens when the hunger for love clashes with the hunger for knowledge. And which will Twilight choose?
Cover by Santafer
My little pony is owned by Hasbro
Elder scrolls is owned by Bethesda Softworks
This is awesome. I eagerly await more.
~Crystalline Electrostatic~
Well this is getting intresting. Have a like
Twilight + Tentacle monster.. I think I've read this fic before
Thx let me know if I get something wrong
don't get your hopes up to much, rated Teen for a reason
I hope I don't disappoint
A fascinating concept. My only advice at this juncture is that you get an editor, as there were numerous typos and grammar errors scattered throughout, and the flow was a little wonky. If you can get someone to help you out with that, though, then I think there is potential for a truely great story, here.
I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure.
thanks, but unfortunatly I know no proof readers.
Pluse I am only doing this because I believe there arnt enough Skyrim crossovers
Grammer? Blame my autism.
Well, as far as acquiring a proofreader/editor, there are a few groups on this site you can use to look for one. I'll go ahead and provide you links to two of them.
The Proofreader group.
Looking For Editors
You could probably peruse those to find a good editor. Take it from me, as I speak from experience: Having an editor is invaluable to putting out a good story.
....I am trying to imagine Twilight dressed as Miraak and the mental image is absolutely adorable. Have a like
Hermaeus Mora is an egg head after all (A very dark one, I admit)
I can definitely imagine Twilight being Hermaeus Mora's champion in one universe due to her single-minded love for books.
My thoughts exactly
Oh my god, I haven't even read it yet and I can hear HermaMora's voice praising her thirst for knowledge.
Not bad, but this chapter needs some editing. Biggest thing being its 'realm' not 'relm'. It's not a dealbreaker but that mistake frightened me more then anything else in this chapter, tentacle included
'realm' not 'realm'
Fixed my mistake
The second set of his dialogue isn't bolded like the rest.
I love this so far. A few minor mistakes every now and then, but overall really good.
I do hope that you've got a plan for after she defeats the imposter though, I've seen great ideas/plots like this succeed for the first arc, but completely fall apart afterwards to either very rapid power escalation or complete loss of direction.
I've got high hopes for this story, its going to be great.
You know i have been waiting for someone to make something like this with old mora and twilight but no one ever seemed too
You made a couple mistakes. Relm instead of realm. Poor instead of pour.
Aside from that: Good idea, good execution. Art thou angel?
It's 'realm' and not 'relm', though i can understand how one could think that.
Hmm really don't know what this should be...
before her
hmm think it would be better with "near"
into the
a few
thanks for the corrections, extert is a good word but I feel it is to stronge fore the situation, Hermaeus Mora's Influence in Equestria is very weak.
thanks, expect more then than mistakes in the future, never could tell which belongs where.
Gew you know, slime, though I think its spelled goo
Ya just got featured, mate.
Much appreciate intomthe was the result of my m key being so close to my space bar on my ipad. I hate it, it happens alot
OMG, how did that happen? This story started as a simple vent. Thanks for the heads up.
Grumble... found another one...
This is fun.
Hmm it's just that extent is not a verb...
You may use extend maybe...
Me like, Me track, Me follow
Also I love the cover art.
people have made some pics of Twilight exploring Apocrypha though
that is better
interesting so far, looking forward to the next chapter
It's how I found the story and I love it so far.
See i wasn't going to read this after this first chapter...but then you had to cock slap me with my favorite Dedric God
That cover-art... Looks eerily familiar to a commision I did to my friend... Maybe just a coincidence.
She has no clue what she's getting into...i love it
An ellipsis only has the three dots, you got a couple extra here.
Also the 'how could you' is missing the end quotation mark.
How I hope this arc ends: Twilight Sparkle spends a few eternities in oblivion, comes out having married a deadric prince and returns to her old life after remembering why she was there in the first place.
How this arc will probably end: Not how I hope.
Why is he your favorite out of curiosity? I myself find either Sheogorath ok but...
don't know too much of The Elder Scrolls but that image of the outer god of knowledge yog-sothoth looking over twilight who is reading the necronomicon, looks pretty badass I absolutely love H. P Lovecraftian horror
9432670 That's not Yog-Sothoth. That's Hermaeus Mora, Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Secrets. He takes that form in the time of the Last Dragonborn, and appears when you leave the frozen cave that holds the Ohgma Infinium.
Yah, even Akatosh doesn't compare
didn't think decipher looked right
maybe, but I don't see Hermaeus being the marrying type