• Member Since 27th Sep, 2021
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“Had a dream I was king. I woke up, still king.” - Eminem


This story is a sequel to What If The Shredder Was In MLP: The Movie?

Grogar has formed The Legion of Doom! The group consisting of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Gozy Glow!

Only this time a new member has been added to the roster. One that is hellbent on vengeance against Twilight Sparkle!
The One True Shredder! Ch’rell! Who will stop at nothing to make Twilight’s life a living Tartarus!

After these events, Equestria will never be the same.

(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this story. All images belong to their respective artists)

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 125 )

This is sure to be something. Ch'Rell wouldn't work with anybody so let's see how things play out if he was part of the Legion of Doom.

Comment posted by Roboman3000 deleted Feb 24th, 2022

Wait, does Discord really think letting Shredder out is a good idea?

This is Discord "Teamup up all of Equestria's villains as a test for Twilight. Because fuck you, being a good friend" we are talking about. Of course, he does.

I am very interested in seeing how The Shredder's presence will change the dynamic of things.:)

She wouldn't have to worry about that monster again.


:facehoof: Discord you are a bucking idiot! This plan was a disaster without Shredder, but doing it WITH Shredder despite likely knowing his actions and the affect he's had on Twilight, you sir are gunning for wining the darwin award big time.

Seeing that the FAKE Grogar or Discord still went though with this, and even freed Shredder/Ch'rell in the end.

My reaction:




Is my previous comments meant nothing??!! :fluttershysad:

I know this is your stories. But, ignoring some body who go out their way to make a whole lot of comments is rather bad.

Sorry, I just got home from School and I honestly didn’t know what to say or how to reply to your comment.

I didn’t mean to make it seem like I ignored your comment.

Plus I already had the story planned out.


Oh. So what do you think? ( When you have the time. )

I forgot to mentioned on how the other Movie characters, and Season 8 characters like the Young Six, and Cozy Glow react to the Shredder's actions in the movie?

Welp, Nevertheless. My only hope is that there is gonna be ever lasting consequences for this. And considering that it has a Death, Dark, and Sad tags. It won't be like the "happy ending" aftermath from the finale battle in canon.

And I doubt that everypony will ever forgive Discord for this. Heck, Twilight furious anger when she finds out, will make Starlight's infamous anger episode look tame!

Perhaps the aftermath of these events will be darker up to eleven thousand:

  • Twilight abdicating the throne and renouncing her Alicorn status.
  • Equestria's pony population going haywire (eh, eh?) that a new All-Ruler won't be leading the world into a new path.
  • Twilight committing suicide when she finally can't take it anymore.
  • Those who still hold onto the Magic of Friendship becoming victims to the now jaded and disillusioned pony tribes akin to the Salem Witch Trials.
  • The major and supporting characters of G4 becoming hollow husks of their former selves and absolute wrecks.
  • A New Generation or a different future spreading tall tales about "Twilight Sparkle, the Pony Who Deserted Her Destiny" and slander about Alicorns.

Alternatively, these things won’t happen, but Twilight will never be the pony she was before and consequently be more depressed, embittered, and quiet. Plus, for those who didn’t enjoy it, A New Generation doesn’t occur and instead Twilight decides to abolish the monarchy for good.


Why the heck would they blame Twilight? When it was the Shredder himself ( And the other villains ) that are fully blamed!!!!!!!

Oh, and definitely Discord too.

You know how historical records get distorted throughout the years, right? Besides, some ponies might refuse to acknowledge that they blindly followed their paranoia when the Legion of Doom manipulated all three of them into thinking that the other side was plotting against each other.


I don't think Battwell wants to go that route? He haven't done G5 stuff. Right?

You’re right about that.

I loathe G5.


Oh, you do? Thought that your weren't interested in it. Didn't realize you hated it. You don't have to explain why. I also have some criticisms with it too. ( Not against the new mane five. Mainly on how the three tribes are back to square one. And basically spit on the Mane Six's, Spike's, Young Six's, the Princesses, and their other friends hard work on friendship/harmony/xenophilia/etc.. Sprout acting like he is Hitler! AND no mentioning or appearance of the other non-pony kingdoms/civilizations??!! )

New chapter already? This is nice.

Surprised that Cozy Glow never heard about Ch'rell/Shredder, or his evil deeds? I mean, she was in the friendship school, AND they did talk about all the un-redeemable villains ( And the reformed ones. ). How would the Young Six react to that? Or even Neighsay?

"That foolish Ram underestimates me. Excellent. It will be the last mistake he shall EVER make! And those other fools could be of some use to me. But once everything falls into place, I will destroy them all! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Guess he is gonna get rid of the other three anyway, once their usefulness is no longer useful. Then again, they aren't extremely loyal like the Foot and the Purple Dragons.

Maybe finally, those three could change their evil ways, to save their own lives?

This story is starting to heat up, I can't wait to see a new chapter very soon. And I want to see how Ch'rell and Legion of Doom will become real partners and want to destroy their enemies together as equals (which is unlikely, but I hope it will happen). We are waiting for the head of Frenemies, where Ch'rell can change it with his intervention and it will be interesting how he will interact with his partners, so to speak. Good luck and see you to the next chapter

The Young Six, or any pony at the school don’t know about Ch’rell except for Starlight.

The reason being is that what she went through with Ch’rell was too personal to tell.


And I'm guessing that the Mane Five, Spike, and even the Princesses won't talk about it either?

Then, there was the others like Skystar, Novo, Capper, Celaeno and her pirates. And I'm guessing that they didn't warned the other non-pony kingdoms about him?

Did they at least tell Discord?

They did, but knowing Discord, he was only half listening


That actually explains a lot. Still, karma, Murphy's Law, and the consequences will bite him very hard! Remember my old comment talking about his fate will be either these three things?

He lose his powers permanently, or he gets exiled from Equestria forever, or be put back in his stone prison for NO third chances. ( Unless a very furious Twilight doesn't kill him first. ) :twilightangry2:

And once again, Ch'Rell plays the schemer, plotting in the shadows to obtain power. Which fits in perfectly with his vile character.:)

Or all three will be suggested to Twilight, who goes with option four.

I can't wait to see how Ch'Rell does in the plot of Frienemies, and see if he spills his guts about what he did to the turtles and before that during his glory days as a conqueror and the Shredder


I bet the MLP villains will be heavily tramitazed, and even scared and be intimated by him. And will recognize that their own evilness, and their evil deeds in the past are NOTHING compared to what Ch'rell/Shredder did. He is a true evil and heartless villain compared to all of the MLP Villains combined.

The Young Six, or any pony at the school don’t know about Ch’rell except for Starlight.

The reason being is that what she went through with Ch’rell was too personal to tell.

And I'm guessing that the Mane Five, Spike, and even the Princesses won't talk about it either?

Then, there was the others like Skystar, Novo, Capper, Celaeno and her pirates. And I'm guessing that they didn't warned the other non-pony kingdoms about him?

I forgot to mentioned this a awhile ago. Sure, they might also tell Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, and possibly Starswirl and his Pillars about the Shredder/Ch'rell.

But, not telling the other non-ponies like the Young Six, or even the leaders like Ember, Thorax/Pharynx, Rutherford, Novo/Seaspray, Rainshine, Chief Thunderhooves, those Saddle Arabia Horses, and Grandpa Gruff. On NOT telling them and warning them about Ch'rell/Shredder.

And possibly warn and involved the other new non-pony leaders like the six Diamond Dog Sisters, Zecora's friends, Capper's friends, that Abyssinian Cat King, Celaeno's friend and the Ornithian royal family, even King Aspen, etc.. ( from Season 10, and the old comics. )

The point is, basically not telling all of these non-pony leaderships of how a major threat Shredder is, is gonna bite the ponies in the ass. It's like keeping very important information about him. And I doubt they will all like that, regardless of Twilight's feelings.

You get what I'm saying?

I just hate everything about it.

How one character basically plays the role of Hitler. The division between the tribes, basically ruining Twilight’s character. The new Mane 5 are just awful. I hate the 3d animation.

I don’t know, I guess I’m just so used to g4 that I can’t get behind the idea of g5


I like to see how that "international foreign leaders meeting" goes. :pinkiecrazy:

( Unless the ponies already told them about the Shredder after the movie, or in Season 8. )

Okay. If you were in charge of MLP, would you simply have the show end after the series finale and leave it at that?

In my opinion, Ch'rell is everything that the Terrifying Triad strive to be.


Even the part of "destroying everybody in the TMNT Multiverse" bit?

Or the killing/murder bit too?



Especially that almost destroying TMNT Multiverse part. They MIGHT die as well, too!!!!!!

( Even though it doesn't make sense in the long run. Because, how does a different franchise like MLP. And the world of Equis/Equestria. Be even affected by the TMNT Multiverse being in danger? Battwell forgot to answer about that? )

And I do remember that in this same chapter. Cozy Glow herself was shocked of Shredder killing somebody/somepony ( Even though it's Tempest. ).

I’d wait a little bit and make a sequel series with Twilight as the princess.

When Ch’rell was sent to Equestria the first time, he broke through the TMNT multiverse and made a bridge between that multiverse and Equestria. Therefore, if he destroys Turtle Prime, then Equis will be destroyed too.


Makes more sense. I like to see a lot of full adult Mane Six, Spike. The Young Six, Flurry Heart, Luster Dawn, and her Friends as the "next generation".

( But, get rid of the old eye wrinkles. They AREN'T that old. ) :ajbemused:


Really? Even if both MLP's, and the TMNT's worlds/universes definitely have nothing in common?

Then again, I ain't no expert on how the Multiverse in general works. Still find it silly, but I will "accept".

Ch'Rell still feels no threat from Grogar, and at least with his armor he won't slow them down.

Me: Ohohohohohohoho!!!!


Oh Fake Grogar ( Discord ), you have just made your BIGGEST MISTAKE in your entire pathetic existence. Ch'rell/The Shredder is gonna make sure of that. :pinkiecrazy:

And then, you have to deal with Twilight's rightful Fury!!!

I hope next chapter will be published soon. And I hope that Ch'rell will feel some form of sympathy for the Legion of Doom and they will destroy their enemies together with the help of the Grogar bell.Release a new chapter of this masterpiece! I also want to see the chapter where the rest of Twilight's friends and family talk about her and how she changed after Ch'rell.

That's right. I wonder how Ch'rell will behave during a conversation around the campfire with the rest of the villains and eventually find something in common in them, probably. Shredder will also lead the rest of the villains to the Bell. At the same time killing Rusty Bucket, because what would a Shredder be without killing obstacles in its path. I would like that over time, Shredder saw in them his colleagues and comrades, despite their some ridiculousness. It is possible, but extremely unlikely. Waiting for a new chapter very soon.

Giving Ch'Rell his armor back is the equivalent of giving a knife to a crab: you just don't do it unless you want bad things to happen. And now that The Shredder is truly back, bad things are going to happen.


And I hope that Ch'rell will feel some form of sympathy for the Legion of Doom and they will destroy their enemies together with the help of the Grogar bell.

Ch'rell/Shredder giving "sympathy" to those three "villain" wannabes, or to anybody for that matter? Then he WOULDN'T be the real Shredder then. :ajbemused:

Sorry, but it's the truth.

It is possible, but extremely unlikely.

There's a video on youtube of a crab literally wielding a knife, and folks trying to get said knife away from said crab. like so:

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