Magic Fortress

by AppleTank

2. Meet the Scout

Meet the Scout
Firefly crouched inside a tree, watching the fortress from afar. Ever few minutes, she either glanced at the sun or her watch. When the sun was only a sliver in the sky, she put away her watch and slid a double barreled shotgun off her back.

“Mission Start,” went her ear piece.

She grinned, pumped the lever action on her shotgun once, and shot out of the tree.

Firefly waved her hooves at me. “Really? You’re asking me who I am? Do you ever look up history about famous ponies? I’m right in there, its pretty big.”

I’m sorry, but these are required questions for this interview

The pink pegasus groaned, dropping her head onto the table. “Ugh. Fine. I’ll repeat the basics of my awesomeness for the rest of you mortals to hear.” She went into a backroom and pulled out a giant sign, reading “Meet the Scout.” She reared up in front of it and patted a hoof against her chest, smirking proudly. “I’m Firefly, the fastest pegasus in history.”

She zoomed up to the fence at a few hundred miles an hour and with a powerful kick shattered the magic shield surrounding the factory. With a quick double burst, she destroyed the security cameras that watched the sector.

“Shields down in the Southeast section,” she said into her headpiece. She pushed the mic away from her face. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw a small group of security ponies running out towards her. She made a face at them and shot around the compound, easily evading their potshots. “Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!” she taunted.

“Kinda important, ya know? Those myths about the Sonic Rainboom? I started them.” She landed back on all fours and raised her wings. “Want a demonstration? Watch this.” Tiny arcs of electricity arced through her fur. Her eyes shimmered a bit, along with a slight aura around her wings. Bits of the concrete floor flew in all directions from the shockwave from her kick off as she blasted off into the sky, knocking the interviewer and her camera over.

Firefly zoomed circles around the compound, causing general havoc. With a quick flip of her hoof, she ejected two spent shells and loaded another two from the double tubular magazine underneath. I gotta thank Twilight for this, she thought, concerning how her weapons was basically two shotguns fused together. Smart girl. She looked back at the compound. Fences were ripped, broken glass lay everywhere, and there were few fires from some vehicles she attacked. Huh, she thought. She squinted at the rooftop. Is that a communication array?

“Surrender pegasus, we have you surrounded!” Firefly glanced at the charging security force. For once, they brought some pegasi and some unicorns to guard the top of their box-in. She couldn’t count how many times pursuers forgot she had wings, allowing her to simply zoom off into the sky. At least this time, she had a challenge. She sat down on her haunches, using her weapon’s wide barrels to hide her hoof loading six custom made, low velocity high load shells.

Click clack went the multitude of weapons pointed at her.

She smirked underneath her bangs, slowly putting both hooves on the handle. A translucent aura covered her wings. “Too late.”


Suddenly, Firefly appeared a foot to her left, the shotgun over her shoulder. “Bonk!” A line of guards suddenly fell over in pain, clutching wounds caused by the nearly horizontal moving shells.

She smiled proudly across the table at the messy looking interviewer, completely ignoring her scowl. “I can not be contained. The hurricane goes where the hurricane wants,” she boasted. “Did you know, during the age I lived in, monsters attacked our cities on a regular basis? We didn’t have any access to powerful magics or technology, yet I still survived it all. Heck, I did better than that...”


She stood outside the circle, crouching with the shotgun behind her right shoulder as a cluster of pegasi fell from the sky. “Boop!”

She admired her wings under the glow of a skylight. “Oh yeah. Look at these babies. Beautiful, aren’t they?”


She flipped the lever, ejecting a pair of smoking shells. With another sudden burst of speed, she completely plowed through the guards, knocking them senseless from the close ranged shockwave of another Rainboom. “Boink!”

“Bam!” she yelled, throwing out a punch at invisible targets. She cackled madly.

I really wanna strangle her.