//------------------------------// // Optional: Results // Story: Magic Fortress // by AppleTank //------------------------------// Optional Reading: Results I stared dully at the massive bank of computer screens before me. One of the cameras showed Magic 9: Team 1 escape his pocket dimension, the Foundry. I let them; I had already collected the data I needed. I stuck my hand into a pocket and pulled out a long, battery shaped rod with a green light at the end. I could have just as easily pulled the plug, but I prefer to keep the information to myself. I pulled out multiple hard drives and memory cards, then fried the entire system with the screwdriver. I smiled at the acrid smoke leaking through vents. I pushed away from the office chair. With a tap, the chair turned to ash, and floated away. I walked out of the small building and into my ten mile radius personal bubble universe. I could see the base I had constructed for the Magic 9. Dubbed The Foundry by me. Heh. A large warpship hovered in the sky. I pulled out a phone and turned off and app. The ship wavered, then disappeared. Didn’t need them anymore. I walked away from it, towards an invisible barrier. I passed through, and was met with a massive hanger, with multiple conveyor belts, hooks, and clamps hauling material into the factory hidden within. I even saw a piece of a Dalek and a swirly fruit going overhead. I went inside, and downloaded all of my files into the mainframe of the supercomputer I dubbed The Industry. Molten steel splashed behind as the machine went to work, constructing a basic prototype out of a random file. I smirked. They are so creative. I picked up a black horn with shield decals and a horn with flame decals. Weapons unlocked.