Everypony knows that Pinkie Pie throws the best parties.
Fewer ponies know about her 'special parties'.
Join Pinkie and her closest friends as they learn more about themselves and the world around them through the lens of intoxication.
Don't worry, Pinkie will make sure everypony is safe and comfortable. After all, what are friends for?
Credits to Sony-Shock for the cover.
Thanks to Arkadios, Frostworthy, Perfectly Insane, 6-D Pegasus, and tailsopony for pre-reading and formatting assistance.
Featured 8/20. Thanks everypony!
I love the story so far.
Thanks! More to come. Next up will be Rainbow Dash, no spoilers on what she'll be taking though
Can't wait.
Such a fun and silly story hehe, it'll be funny if Pinkie introduces them to Twilight later only to find she's been using it all along o.o
Looking forward to the next, you awesome pony!
Oh, I have plans for Twilight alright
I really gotta wonder which friend is gonna visit Uncle 'Cid
You'll find out soon :) That's the chapter after next.
What's a smooch between two good friends who are rolling?
At its centre: Bizarre. But lovingly-crafted bizarre, and a unique but somehow perfectly in-character side of Pinkie. I'm intrigued to see what happens next!
It'll be an awkward conversation, but I'm sure they'll be fine.
Damn right!
Pinkie Pie was really the only pony that could possibly fit this role. An unexpectedly wise but still incredibly silly party pony that loves her friends more than life itself. She's perfect
Awesome job. Loving these so far.
Very well put - and I second being excited for what comes next!
Thank you both! I could barely imagine this level of enthusiasm when I first started writing this. It makes me so happy to see so many people enjoying my story!
Love your description of the experience, these are very fun to read
Just wait til we get to the psychedelics. It's gonna get weird
It's gonna get a little weird,
Gonna get a little wild!
I ain't from round here:
I'm from another dimension!
....wait, wrong fandom, lolz
I just want to re-iterate that I loved this chapter. It's cute, and not traumatic. But might have been without Pinkie. Also, I have suspicions that Celestia wouldn't care as much as Twilight thinks she would. lol.
This was a vibe.
D'aww that was so fun, thankfully Pinkie was there to keep things that way
Calling it now for AJ; Peyote.
I would've thought Rarity was gonna have cocaine with the high class connections and all that. But a natural hallucinogenic - not something as 'crass' as a synthesised one - to enhance creativity fits just as well.
I like how she was a lot more confident and knowledgeable than the rest of her friends, Rarity's been around. Her teasing was pretty funny too
I was really happy with how I portrayed Rarity in this chapter, glad you liked it too!
Ha! I called it. This is my favorite chapter by far.
So, is this it, or will others besides the mane 6 get chapters?
Oh yeah! I forgot to give you a shoutout for that! Will fix that in a moment.
Full steam ahead, next up it's finally Pinkie's turn.
Maybe an experienced Psychonaut, like Tree Hugger or the Ponk Herself, will try MEGAFLIPPING
I honestly would love to see others besides the mane go on their own trips, or at the very least, have a bonus spike and/or princesses chatper(s).
An XK class end of the world scenario if I ever heard of one.
>It was more similar to how I feel on salvia than marijuana
Ah, I see you are a brony of culture.
I have at least one more semi-solid idea after Pinkie's chapter. After that I'd be happy to keep going but I have to come up with more ideas.
If anyone has any ideas they'd like to see, let me know! I'd be happy to at least consider anything as long as it's not an underage character or a substance with serious potential for harm.
(I briefly considered having a CMC chapter with caffeine, but I couldn't make it interesting enough in my head)
I could definitely see an alcohol or caffiene chapter happening and maybe tobacco? other than that, I don't really have any ideas.
I don't usually talk here, mostly just a silent reader.
but this is awesome to read
Thank you! Knowing that you don't usually comment but you made an exception here actually means a lot!
Next chapter was slightly delayed because of life stuff, but I'll get it out this weekend!
I only read the first chapter and I can already tell the Pinky was a real person. She wouldn't know how to make that good shit that shit Snoop Dogg would approve of
Some of the chapters were inspired by my own experiences, some of them were inspired by trip reports from Erowid. Hope you enjoy!
Oh my goodness, Mount Muchies is no more!
Thanks for the story, I enjoyed it! I haven't taken drugs before, but for some reason it's nice to read stuff like this! Keep up the good work!
It's nice that Pinkie is so caring for her friends who are trying these drugs, she's so sweet
Go Twilight Go!
Had to search up LSD, to remember what it was again, it sounds scary, good thing Pinkie was there to keep Twilight safe!
Hmmm, actually now I'm curious now... I wanna search up bubblegum-flavored shampoo or soaps. Stuff likes those that are sweet-scented are niiiice
Amanita minute to appreciate that perfect Raritea pun, it's just tearrific !
Was wondering when Pinkie Pie was going to show up!
Also, I never heard of cosmic crisps before! If I ever see it while shopping, I should go give it a try!
I'm so glad you're enjoying the story, and thanks for the comments!
I actually did look up cosmic crisps while I was writing this story to see if I was referencing something regional that people wouldn't understand, and yeah apparently they're grown in the Pacific Northwest, USA, and not really available outside of that. So if you're ever up here feel free to try them out!
Ooh, Pinkie drug origins! Good writing as usual, it's nice to see Zecora!
Oh! I'm also looking forward to any bonus chapters (if you are planning to write them)! I wonder which pony it will be and what Pinkie will introduce them to! It's cool reading the affects of these drugs!
It's definitely coming, but I can't say it'll be anytime soon. I've got some life stuff that's cropped up that makes writing difficult. But, more to come some day.
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for all the comments.
No problem! Looking forward to the future bonus chapters! Take your time though, go focus on your life stuff!
If Tree Hugger doesn't smoke DMT in her spare time, I dunno what pony does.
Pacific Glow probably has a vape of it at home.