“Now Angel, it’s just one evening. Surely you can find a way to keep yourself entertained while I visit a friend?”
Fluttershy dodged another carrot, the fourth one tonight.
“Maybe you and Discord could play a game together?” She leapt out of the way of another carrot. “I’m sorry, but you can’t come with me tonight. There’s a nice salad waiting for you in the fridge. I’ll be back in the morning, I promise.”
Angel harrumphed and rolled his eyes. Not wanting to waste any more time, he hopped back to his basket and laid down, still glaring at Fluttershy with disdain.
Fluttershy smiled and opened her front door. Stepping outside, glanced over her shoulder. “That’s a good bunny. Don’t eat any sweets after dinner, alright? You know how your tummy gets.”
Fluttershy closed the door behind her, just as another carrot hit the door.
Fluttershy trotted leisurely to Sugarcube corner, taking in the sights and smells of the early October evening. Arriving at the cupcake-themed bakery, she cleared her throat and knocked gently on the door.
The door swung open a quarter of the way, a pink hoof grasping the edge, before Pinkie Pie leaned her head around to the opening and grinned widely.
“Fluttershy! What’cha doing here? Sorry to say but if Angel bunny wants carrot cake, he’ll have to wait until tomorrow. We sold out fast today!”
“Oh, that’s okay Pinkie. Angel has a nice salad in the fridge when he’s ready. He won’t admit it, but sweets upset his stomach if he eats them before bedtime. I actually came over to talk to you about something, if that’s alright?”
“Abso-dutely-lutely! Come on in!”
Pinkie opened the door the rest of the way and ushered Fluttershy inside before closing the door, ensuring the open sign was flipped to ‘closed’. She had a hunch as to why Fluttershy had come to the shop after closing time, alone on a Friday evening. Left eyelid twitch, right ear twitch, and tail tingles usually meant a pony was looking for her ‘special’ party favors. Either that, or it would hail tomorrow morning.
“C’mon Flutter Butter, let’s go up to my room for a bit and chat.”
Fluttershy smiled and nodded, and they made their way up the stairs. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were still on vacation with the twins, so their room on the left was vacant. Pinkie and Fluttershy passed it and walked into the second room on the right, a modestly-sized room with not-at-all modest decorations: pink paint covered the walls and ceiling, while multicolored streamers and pictures of Pinkie’s friends and family covered the walls above a soft purple plush carpet. A Princess-sized bed dominated one corner of the room, covered with enough pillows to arm the entire Canterlot Royal Guard for a pillow fight. Gummy observed from atop the plush pink perch of pillows, staring down at the common rabble as they made their way to a small, short circular table in the middle of the room and sat across from each other.
“So! What brings you by tonight? I didn’t forget about a sleepover, did I?” Pinkie made sure to dial her usual volume down a notch. She knew Fluttershy could get nervous easily in new situations, and if her hunch was correct, Pinkie wanted to ease that tension and keep Fluttershy as relaxed as possible for the evening ahead.
“Oh, no Pinkie,” Fluttershy shook her head softly. “We didn't have anything planned tonight. I was just…curious about something, and thought you might be able to help me.”
“Oh yeah?” Pinkie grew a small grin. Her tail started tingling again.
“You see, I was talking to Tree Hugger the other day in her garden, and she showed me this plant that I didn’t recognize. She called it a weed, but it had such pretty flowers I don’t know why she would call it such a mean name, even if it smelled a little like Mr. Stripes back at the cottage…anyway, I asked her about it and she said I should ask you if I was curious. I didn’t know you liked gardening, Pinkie.”
Pinkie giggled, “Oh Fluttershy, that’s not a weed, It's WEED! And the only thing I can grow is gems, I buy all of my special plants from Tree Hugger.”
Fluttershy raised an eyebrow in confusion, “What…what do you mean ‘weed’? Special plants?” Pinkie could see the cogs in Fluttershy’s head struggling to make sense of the unfamiliar terms.
“It’s just slang, Flutters. The official name is marijuana, or cannabis if you wanna get sciencey. And it’s special becauuuse” Pinkie stood up and pulled a key out of her mane, unlocking and opening her closet door and pulling out a glass jar filled with clumps of what looked like green and purple moss. “It gets you HIGH!” She brought the jar back to the table and set it down gently in front of Fluttershy.
“High? Like flying? Pinkie, I’m confused. Does this plant help you fly better?” Fluttershy frowned slightly, still completely bewildered by the plant and Pinkie’s words.
“Hehe, nope! In fact, I reeeeally don’t recommend flying with this in your system. Weed might be legal now, but you’ll still get a F-U-I if the local guards think you’ve been ‘partaking’.”
“Flying under the influence? Oh dear, Pinkie, is this dangerous? I don’t really drink…” Fluttershy mumbled under her breath and ducked her head. Pinkie could just hear her mutter “...bit of a lightweight.”
“Oh no Flutters, it’s not dangerous at all really, maybe a little too easy to turn into a habit, but that’s all. And you don’t drink it, silly! Well, maybe you could make tea with it, but yuck! No, most ponies burn a pinch of it in a special bowl and inhale the smoke, but there’s a couple of other ways if that doesn’t sound appealing.”
“I…” Fluttershy leaned over the open jar and gave it a sniff, her nose wrinkling and brow furrowing at the strong smell. “I don’t know, Pinkie, that doesn’t sound very pleasant.”
“I know, it’s pretty stinky. Takes a while to get used to it, but there are other ways that can be even more fun!” Pinkie stood, opening the window next to her bed and reaching out and up, feeling around for a second before her eyes lit up and she smiled. She pulled a small box back inside and shut the window. “These don’t smell at all, and they taste great!” Pinkie brought the package over to Fluttershy before sitting back down.
Fluttershy leaned over to examine the small box. It had a solid purple background with a picture of Pinkie’s alligator Gummy below the words ‘Gummy’s Gummies’ printed in a bright green font.
“Pinkie, why do you have candy stashed outside your window?”
“Silly filly, I have edibles hidden all over Ponyville, in case of edible emergencies!” Pinkie exclaimed, as if it were obvious.
Fluttershy pointed at the jar still sitting on the table, “and this is the same thing as the flowers in that little jar?”
“Pretty much! You can also bake it into brownies! That’s my personal favorite. But I don’t have any baked up right now, so these will work juuuust fine.”
Fluttershy continued to study the package. It looked professional, like something you could go buy at the candle aisle of a grocery shop. There were several flavors listed too, alongside various colored alligators: purple for grape, green for green apple, yellow for banana.
Fluttershy lifted her head and glanced back at Pinkie “So, it’s just like drinking alcohol, but you eat it instead of drinking it?”
Pinkie shook her head softly “Nah, not really. Alcohol and weed have some similar effects, but marijuana is more about relaxing at home with a good friend and sharing a pile of junk food, not going to a bar and partying or enjoying a festival with one of Applejack’s ciders. It’s more ‘mellow,’” Pinkie waved her front hooves in the air making quotation marks “and you don’t have to worry about nausea in the morning!”
“Oh, that’s nice. I promised Angel bunny that I would be home in the morning. I don’t want to spend tomorrow morning, um, in the bathroom.”
Pinkie Pie’s eyes lidded slightly, and her smile started to grow. To Fluttershy it looked almost…naughty? It reminded Fluttershy of the times when Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were planning their pranks.
“So Fluttershy, you wanna get high with me? Wanna get baked?”
“Baked? I, um…” Fluttershy chuckled and shrugged. She still didn’t get all the silly words Pinkie was using, but she smiled nevertheless “Sure Pinkie, that sounds nice.”
Pinkie’s grin magnified tenfold, and Fluttershy would swear she heard the pink pony squeak like a stuffed animal.
“Yay! Okay, you grab one gummy, and can you get another two for me? I have a bit more tolerance.”
Fluttershy opened the flap on the side of the box and tilted out three small candies. She took the purple gummy in her hoof and slid two green gummies over to Pinkie.
“Okay Flutters, down the hatch! Ooh, and make sure you chew it really well or you won’t feel very much at all.
Fluttershy did as instructed, chewing the soft candy thoroughly and enjoying the strong grape taste. For a second she thought she tasted something…peculiar alongside the grape, but it was gone as quickly as it came, and she swallowed.
Pinkie had evidently finished her gummies too. She stood up and made her way over to the door. “Yummy! Ok Fluttershy, make yourself comfortable. That beanbag chair by my bed should be big enough for both of us. I’m gonna go get some snacks and be right back up. Pinkie trotted out into the hallway, and Fluttershy could hear her giggling as she bounced down the stairs into the kitchen.
Fluttershy stood and stretched once she was back on all four hooves. She wasn’t used to sitting on the floor for so long, usually spending her evenings at home curled up on her big, soft sofa with a few of her animal friends.The cushion she was sitting on was decent, but it just couldn’t compare. After working out the soreness, Fluttershy meandered over to the large purple beanbag and laid down on top, before her eyes went wide in alarm as she began to sink into its depths. For the briefest of moments, Fluttershy thought she would be sucked into the chair like quicksand, until the bottom began to feel more firm and her descent into the depths ceased.
Fluttershy noticed right away how comfortable she was. The chair perfectly molded to the shape of her body, and as she shifted her weight, the pellets inside rubbed her back like a miniature massage. She smiled and sighed, closing her eyes in relaxation.
A few minutes later, she heard hooves coming up the stairs and opened her eyes, shifting to sit more upright. Pinkie rounded the corner back into the room, carrying a dizzying array of snacks. She gently set them onto the table, making sure not to trigger an avalanche on Mount Munchie.
“Steady…steady…good! Okay Fluttershy, I’ve got potato chips, pizza rolls, brownies, nachos, mozzarella sticks, a couple bowls of fruit, quesadillas, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and of course, s’mores!”
“Um, were you planning to invite our other friends, Pinkie? I can’t eat that much. I don’t think YOU can eat that much…I mean, sorry, no offense.”
Pinkie laughed and dimmed the bedside lamp slightly before joining Fluttershy on the couch, raising Fluttershy up slightly as the pellets inside the beanbag chair adjusted to make room for the slightly pudgy pink party pony.
“No offense taken, Fluttershy, I know I can be a vacuum for sweets sometimes. Usually after I’ve had a few of these gummies. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll manage to help me conquer the summit of Mount Munchie, just give it time.”
Fluttershy glanced up, and up, and further up. The mountain of snacks seemed to almost reach the ceiling. “If you say so, Pinkie. Speaking of which, how long does this take to…you know.”
Pinkie Pie pursed her lips and looked up in thought. “I think it took me about half an hour to gather the snacks and get those brownies baked, so the gummies should be kicking in any minute now. Sorry I left you hanging up here by yourself for so long, by the way.”
Fluttershy smiled, “that’s okay Pinkie, I think I might have been falling asleep actually, this beanbag chair is so comfortable.”
Pinkie returned the smile. “It is, isn’t it? It’s perfect for when you just wanna zone out and listen to some music. Speaking of which…” Pinkie reached up to the bedside table and flicked on the radio. Fluttershy heard a soft melody, a long, low note drawn out by a violin, joined eventually by more synthetic sounds. An echoing reverb, a low, bassy drum beat, and an occasional snare. To Fluttershy it felt like the music was coming from multiple directions, bouncing off the walls of the bedroom to create an entirely new musical experience. It was mesmerizing. Her lidded eyes swung slowly over to Pinkie in awe.
Pinkie’s slightly bloodshot eyes returned the glance, and Pinkie giggled like a foal.
“Oh yeah, it’s definitely hitting you now, isn’t it?”
“Pinkie…this is amazing! What is this music?”
“You know DJ-PON3? Vinyl Scratch? Her and her marefriend Octavia wrote some music together. They call it ‘ambient’. It’s super-duper chill-tastic! You can sink into the music and just…float away.”
Fluttershy felt like she was floating, alright. Pinkie was right, this was nothing like having a few too many glasses of wine after dinner. She gazed around the room in wonder. Little details she wouldn’t have noticed otherwise seemed to hold more meaning now. The length of the streamers on the walls, the portraits of her friends, the enormous bed behind them, all seemed to blend together to form a picture in her mind of what made Pinkie, Pinkie. The value she placed on her friends, her love of parties. A small voice in her mind tried to tell her that she wasn’t making any sense, but it all felt so…right. It was whole and complete. To Fluttershy, everything she was experiencing, from the music to the smell of the snacks to the texture of the beanbag chair and Pinkie’s giggling, was coming together in her mind to create a glorious, harmonious whole.
Her stomach gurgled, and she snapped out of her transcendent thoughts.
Pinkie’s ear twitched, and she opened her eyes slowly and smiled. “I’m gonna grab some food from the table, what would you like?”
“Oh, um…how about those nachos?”
“Sounds great! Be right back.” Pinkie climbed out of the overstuffed beanbag and slowly walked over to the table sagging with snacks, careful not to lose her balance.
Fluttershy began to lay down again just as she heard a POMF. She glanced at the noise and saw a small green alligator staring at her from the edge of the beanbag.
“Oh, Gummy! Come here.” Fluttershy scooped up the small reptile and squeezed him against her chest. Gummy was used to the silly antics of the pink one, but he hadn’t expected such forwardness from the shy pony. Sighing internally, he resigned himself to his fate.
“Gummy, you’re so smooth, and scaly, and cute! You’re the best alligator ever…” Fluttershy’s face was pure bliss as she hugged Gummy and rocked gently in the beanbag ocean.
“Oh, hey Gummy, you want some snacks too?” Pinkie sat back into the beanbag with snacks in tow, and nestled against Fluttershy and Gummy, enjoying the comfort of friends, music, and stoner snacks late into the evening. Eventually both ponies fell asleep, still cuddled against each other, a smile on both faces.
And sure enough, when they woke up in the morning there was nothing left of Mount Munchie.