• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Harasha the Gryphon

as my name implies I'm a gryphon I like MLP fiction :) I like all kinds of pony tf from ponification to five score's nice slow tf hope you enjoy my work as much as I might enjoy yours


I'm coming back. New content incoming · 5:47am Oct 27th, 2022

hey guys it's been a few years. time flies when you're having fun. so where have I been well I've frankly been spending extra time with my family because they're getting old and I wanted to be as close to them as possible in these final years. I also wanted to see how G5 was gonna work out and so far I'm impressed. to that end I'm working on a new short story that should hopefully be out in the next few days (just finished up the revision part). on the subject of the stories I've left

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Thank you for becoming my follower! :heart:

Thanks for the watch.:twilightsmile:

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

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