
Viewing 1 - 20 of 415 results

Finally! · 7:21pm May 22nd, 2020

It's over. It's over.... Time to go get some rest.

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Report Sunlight Rays · 204 views · #It's over

............ · 9:15pm Apr 8th, 2016

One Hour...

Report Calm Wind · 688 views · #Over

So; this is a thing; · 11:34pm Nov 9th, 2017

Someone did it. Someone actually did it. A Brony by the name of Eighth Flame thought my story was good enough for a dramatic reading.

I'm so happy right now.

To Eighth Flame, if you read this blog; know that I am honored and humbled, truly, and sincerely grateful that you took the time and effort to read my story. Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how happy I am.

Take care, all.

Report darkstone57 · 395 views · #Over the moon

Cancelling · 8:20am Jul 15th, 2020

Hi everyone, I’m back just to say that I’m cancelling my story, because really, no one seems to like it and instead, they seem to like stories that are more badly written? I had better reception before editing my stories, and I’ve seen how worse off stories have thousands of likes while good ones have almost no views or likes. I find that weird and unfair and I’m not sure I know why but I feel this has to be raised to attention and for us to ask ourselves why. Is it just because the authors of

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Report Subsistence · 288 views · #Game over

Over There Sequel · 5:04am Oct 21st, 2020

Hi, everybody. So after a long debate with myself, I've decided to officially create a sequel to my popular story, Over There. The story will be called (drum roll please)...

The Cloudsdale Chronicles

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Report Boltstrike58 · 437 views · #Over There #Sequel

Short Unofficial Hiatus Is Over! · 3:55pm Jul 31st, 2016

Yes thats right the small unofficial hiatus is finaly over, I'm getting back to work on the story so be looking out for the next chapter soon!

Report DracoBrony · 355 views · #Hiatus #over

An Epilogue is Coming · 10:33pm Jul 28th, 2017

So dontcha all worry none.

Me to myself: You shouldn't give into peer pressure. You made a decision so stick by it.
Myself: Yeah but this whole story was written because of peer pressure.
Me: ...well you got me there.

So! It's coming even though I didn't reeeeeeally wanna write one. I kinda had in mind that the two timelines merged back after the Elements went off so there was no more but Shipmun said I might get tarred and feathered if I made that the official ending.

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Surgery Good, Writing · 6:31pm Dec 14th, 2022

Hey everycreature, so my eye surgery went well. I just got home from a follow up and my healing is going well, already I can see well enough to drive myself and it's still going to get better so yeah I'm very happy.

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Report luckyboys121 · 434 views · #hiatus over

Moving Forward, cause I'm back! · 8:16pm Sep 23rd, 2016

I probably don't deserve to use a song this awesome, but...

Heeeello everypony. I hope you've been enjoying the updates so far. Or, at least, you know, tolerating them.

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Report MerlosTheMad · 1,009 views · #Hiatus over

Over 200 Followers!!! · 6:31am Nov 23rd, 2016

I... don't know what to say guys....Thank you all so much for this:pinkiesad2::raritycry:

Thank you guys and a Happy Thanksgiving!!


I'm back, baby! · 8:37pm Nov 25th, 2015

After a few months of writer's block, I'm finally able to write again! For how long, I don't know, and what stories I'll continue are a mystery even to me. However, I thought it would be nice to try a new story just to flex my fingers a bit. I think you'll find this new story to be a rather familiar experience to any RPG fans out there.

Or should I say strategy?


Plans Underway · 2:39pm Jan 18th, 2017

Plans for a reboot of DOE are underway. It's really more of a spiritual successor, because the characters and plots are very different, they just used DOE as a jumping off point. Don't leave just yet! If you liked DOE, than you're sure to love this one, as it's everything that made DOE good, but polished to perfection. The pacing is going to be better, the chapters will be more descriptive, and the villain should hopefully be interesting and a source of tension instead of an insufferable emo

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1000 Views!!! · 1:35pm Mar 13th, 2018

Hello you beautiful people! :duck:

So, I was here, going throught my notes to beggin writing chapter 4 of The Nameless Queen when suddenly: I have 1K readers!!!:rainbowderp: :derpyderp2: :raritystarry: :pinkiehappy: :yay: :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you, every single one of you, so much for showing interest in my story! Knowing that 1000 people invested their time on reading something of mine warms my heart! :heart:

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Report AniMun · 314 views · #Its over 1000!!!

Is it... still alive? · 7:26pm Jun 13th, 2020

I feel like that was an extensive downtime. With that red (orange?) screen popping up every time I tried reloading again, it kind of made me a little frantic. It's been a good while (years probably) that we've seen hours of downtime like that. Hopefully it won't happen again anytime soon.

Have some flutterlove!


New Chapter. · 5:07pm Oct 4th, 2019

Hey guys the final chapter of the game night arc is out now, go read it and tell me what you all think.


Ideas for possible cross-overs and adventures with Jeff. (Seperate mini series) · 11:17pm June 5th

I've thought up a new side / mini series for Displaced to cross-over into Jeff's world, meaning to go on adventures with Jeff and just have fun writing together with me. Think of it like the shrines of breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom where there is all sorts of loot, puzzles, non-story importance mini bosses, etc. Said loot will mostly be treasure or whatever non-important item I can make up. Don't worry, this will have NO effect on the main story other than brief mentions of those

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Holder's Boulder... · 5:40pm Oct 24th, 2015

Holder's boulder... Holder's boulder...

Boulder holder?...

Was that seriously a sneaky reference to boobs in my MLP?


Verve's Final Chapter: A Warm Hearth (6.7k Characters) · 4:17pm Jan 26th, 2022

I'm less than happy to admit that the story is finally over. There's nowhere else to go. The final chapter, no longer left to the stars - but here, uploaded, written, softly edited, and complete with fitting music and pictures of Vee.

I'm sorry it took so long. I always get this... severe melancholy, as a story comes to an end. I hate it when it happens; it hurts my soul, it really does.

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An Announcement · 4:05pm Apr 28th, 2023

Welp, it was bound to happen eventually, the Spring semester of 2023 is about to come to a close. However, I will still be going to my archeological field school in Alaska, which will be a very good experience for me.

Everyone, wish me luck out there.


Gravity Falls... it can't be over... · 7:36pm Nov 21st, 2015


This has become one of my favorite TV shows of all time... it can't just be over!

I-I'm sorry. I just can't right now.


Viewing 1 - 20 of 415 results