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Three Episode Rule · 7:20pm Last Tuesday

When I start a new season, there are some shows I'll drop after one episode. If I give it three, though, then there's a better than even chance I'll complete the season. Plus, by this point I generally have a good idea how a show will fare in overall rating.

No Longer Allowed In Another World

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Report totallynotabrony · 140 views ·

anime music · 9:53am 6 days ago

I've noted before how disappointing it is that many anime that are about music don't actually have any decent music in them.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of good stuff out there.

I've selected the below based on how memorable they were, whether I bought them, and uniqueness.

It's not a comprehensive list by any means, but I do invite your own opinions. I'm always looking for more.

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New Season of Anime · 7:14pm July 12th

No Longer Allowed In Another World
What’s it about?  A novelist in the 1940s attempts to commit suicide with his girlfriend, but they get isekai'd.  The guy sets out to find her so they can continue to double suicide.

Takes its time.  A little ecchi.  From the manga, I knew this would be a good one, and the anime doesn’t disappoint.

Midnight Punch

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Report totallynotabrony · 136 views ·

Anime Season Wrapup · 9:12pm June 29th

Tonari no Youkai-san
What’s it about?  In a world where such things are commonplace, an old housecat evolves into a youkai, and consults his god neighbors to figure out what his new life means.
Should you watch it?  If you enjoy wholesome modern fantasy.

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Report totallynotabrony · 194 views ·

Next Season Anime Preview · 1:44am June 19th

I’ll be back next time with the current season wrapup, then a manga shitpost, and then probably an off week before going into reviews of the new July shows that are listed below.

No Longer Allowed In Another World

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i got this new anime plot · 9:36pm June 15th

A guy has a problem where every time wakes up in the morning a random household object has become a girl.  Maybe his razor turns into a sharptoothed loli.  Maybe his car gives him a piggyback ride to work instead of a drive.  TV-chan wants to watch him for a change.

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Report totallynotabrony · 135 views ·

this blog title for rent · 6:47pm June 9th

Delicious in Dungeon

We’re nearly to the end.  While it hasn’t always been my favorite of the season, it’s definitely earned a place on the AOTY list, and probably the all-time ranks, too.

Train to the End of the World

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What Happened to Amelia Earhart? · 4:49pm Dec 28th, 2023

I recently did a deep dive on Earhart's disappearance as research for a story, and figured I would share it here.

As usual, I'll do my best to delineate facts from opinions.

Bottom line up front:

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Report totallynotabrony · 255 views ·

A Brief History of Commercial Astronauts · 11:22am Feb 23rd, 2022

Most astronauts are not highly paid considering the work they do - given that many are active duty military, I'd say most probably don't even make six figures.

But with a new space age upon us, we may now be living in a time where “astronaut” can be not only an aspiration, but potentially, a career.

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Report totallynotabrony · 375 views ·

US Military Legal Proceedings · 3:19am Aug 13th, 2020

Court martial!

Okay, calm down, let's take a step back. Court-martial is the worse of the two outcomes here, and it has several variations, so we'll walk through the basics first.


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Report totallynotabrony · 587 views ·