I write overblown, purple, self indulgent prose, so what?
“There are horrors beyond life's edge that we do not suspect, and once in a while man's evil prying calls them just within our range.” — H P Lovecraft
22 | British | Brony since 2023 | Stop Motion animator/artist
I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all
Dreamlandlady, protect me, sub umbra alarum tuarum occultes me.
12 years of reading horsewords and I still can't get my read later folder under 1000 stories.
[insert meaningfull description about myself something cute/wholesome/funny here]
Literally nothing on here is below mature, just to warn
This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
Just a reader who likes reading. Nothing profound here but a profound hope you have a lovely day!
I like horse things and human horse things, and reading on this website.
Just a friendly Autistic writer who overthinks the adventures of characters. I do story commissions! Current focus: Equestria Girls. Respects G5's existence (somebrony has to!).
Assume in every story I write that Twinkie is canon unless explicitly stated otherwise