Professor Rarity's Totally Platonic Romance CurriculumTwilight shows up on Rarity's doorstep in distress, which isn't too unusual. Her admission that she's come to Rarity about romance is, however! Naturally, Rarity is all too eager to tutor her in love's ways. It's only practice, isn't it?by gloamish
31,942 words
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Artificial SunlightHMS Philomena is a starship designed to ferry ponies across a gap of 150 light years and three generations. Twilight Sparkle is the middle generation: she was born and will die in the darkness of space. Her job is to maintain the ship's AI, gloamish
1,000 words
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Color MatchingPonyville's premier polycule bicker about the colors of their gloamish
4,985 words
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The Weight of an OathTwilight, Rarity's personal bodyguard, would kill for her princess. That doesn't mean it's gloamish
5,815 words
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Pony DexterityYou meet a pony in a bar and talk about how on earth they get anything done with their hooves, and how they get anything done with their hooves on Earth. And maybe you flirt a little. Okay, a gloamish
6,581 words
· 80 · 10
Rarity, former seneschal to Nightmare Moon, attends an award ceremony celebrating her valiant part in saving Princess Luna. There, she finds herself wondering: how much of Nightmare Moon remains?
The Royal Sitting Room is a distinguished setting in which Princess Celestia takes tea with her most esteemed guests, and it serves as excellent stress relief. After the court session Princess Luna just had, she needs... the other stress relief room.
Happy Halloween.
i like your profile picture.
you fuckin KNOW i gotta rep
omg lili avatar in the wild
I see you've also written a bunch of stories . . . impressive work in a short amount of time!
[I also did the 'discover the show, read a whole bunch, then register for FimFiction and start publishing my own stuff]