• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)


Cloudy Quartz discovers a giant, beating heart of stone underground. Equestria is alive, and it knows she's there.

A cutesy story about marriage.

An entry to FanOfMostEverything's Ancestral Tribute Contest.

Edited by Mousse and Antsan. Cover art by me! Heh heh heh.

Chapters (1)

Mr. and Mrs. Cake choose to commit a murder in their kitchen.

A feelgood story.

Winner of the Thousand Words Story Contest (Fluff category). Edited by King of Beggars, Mousse, and R5h.

Reading by TheLegendaryBillCipher.
Reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan.

Cover art by me! Heh, heh, heh.

Chapters (1)

Trixie and Starlight discover witchcraft is real, and do the obvious thing about it.

A commission for R5h, who deserves the world and is more patient than I deserve. Edited by MrNumbers.

Patreon. Ko-fi. Picture of me looking handsome.

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash is the perfect girlfriend.

Sunset breaks up with her anyway.

Third place in Oroboro's "Endings" contest. Edited by MrNumbers.

Patreon. Ko-fi. Picture of me looking handsome.

Chapters (1)

Only Princess Twilight and Principal Celestia can save the world, but it's really not their top priority.

Edited by MrNumbers and Kitsunerisu.

The original draft of this story was written as an entry for the second Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Competition.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle was four years old, her mother bought her a tombstone.

Dedicated to Regidar. They're a real one.

Edited by MrNumbers and R5h.

Chinese translation by Hehelover

Russian translation by Repitter.

Patreon. Ko-fi. Picture of me looking handsome

Chapters (1)

Vinyl and Octavia need to hug for eight hours – or the building explodes.

A commission for Dakastan, edited by MrNumbers. Special thanks to him, and to Crystal Wishes for the ornithological help.

Patreon. Ko-fi. Picture of me looking handsome

Chapters (9)

The School of Friendship is burning down.

Happy holidays.

Written for GaPJaxie as part of the Jinglemas 2018 event. Edited by MrNumbers, Pearple Prose, Undome Tinwe, and R5h

Patreon. Ko-fi. Picture of me looking handsome

Chapters (1)

Life's a witch, and then you die. Just ask Fluttershy.

A Halloween fic.

Edited by R5h.

Chapters (1)

To save Equestria, all Shining Armor has to do is stand in one spot and do nothing.

A story of a pony's struggle against himself.

Written for Crystal Wishes (kind of?), the first draft being for her Super Summer Jam.

Edited by Pearple Prose and MrNumbers.

Chapters (1)