• Member Since 12th May, 2018
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It's through striving for a balance between the author's intention and the readers' needs that a translator can obtain their creative freedom in an otherwise somewhat uncreative job. —Me

Comments ( 19 )
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I was trying to be fair and give you a warning. I strongly oppose most things you said and was emotional when I wrote the reply, so the tone might be harsh and critical. Rest assured that I didn't use any cuss words or something like that, and I don't believe there's anything that could qualify as personal attack. I said people should remain logical and civilized in a conversation, and I always stand by my words. I wouldn't intentionally say anything just to hurt someone but there is always a possibility that you might find my words uncouth, so I warned you. Do I want you to read my reply? Of course. Do I want to convince you? Of course. Will I be disappointed if you choose to heed the warning I myself gave and ignore me? Yes. But this is how I do things. I try to be fair and never force anything on anyone. I always try to express myself in a clear, logical, effective and inoffensive way but I'll never pretend I'm a paragon of these virtues. I hope that even if you do not wish to read what I had to say, at least you can understand where I'm coming from. I probably caused some kind of misunderstanding with my overly cautious habits, but old habits die hard. I will readily say three key things in this reply however: first, I mentioned my own experiences with Season 9 because I was trying to respect their opinion and avoid a possible confrontation. It's just a minor detail and I'll never understand why you latched on to this so hard. Second, don't judge people when you haven't even read what they said. It's basic courtesy. I expected you to simply agree to disagree and drop the conversation, but then you went ahead to criticize my supposed rudeness without even seeing it for yourself. For me this is borderline insult. Third, please stop with the Cultural Revolution allusions. Say what you have to say clearly and take my arguments apart with sound logic, just don't pretend to be some sort of ancient sage educating youngsters with "the moral of the story is not to become a Red Guard". You're too young for that.

And if you think the tone of this last part is something that you find acceptable, then you should be able to read my previous replies. The content's not harsher than that. Mostly. If you're still not willing to continue the conversation, just downvote or upvote this comment to let me know so that we can both go about our merry ways and don't have to worry about it again. Have a nice day.

OK, we have no point in continuing this discussion.(because when debating lead to offensive words, there is no fun doing it anymore) And because I don’t know what we are debating about.:twilightsheepish:

I don’t believe that any so-called “point” can only be made with “harsh and probably offensive” words. So I will stop trying to explain whatever “point” I had because I already explained it and that you said that your reply will be harsh. Instead, I will say this:

Have another part of the weird metaphor(since I had to reply I will give another paragraph and add this to the “ended” continuation): The Great Cultural Revolution brought many people down, and some of them are only trying to create more for the entire race. The ones creating chaos definitely have the enthusiasm and they want to make the race better by preserving the “left” ways (except for a few that only want power by instigation but that is besides the point). I believe what eventually lead to their downfall is mostly because they think the world (and other people) are wrong instead of themselves, so they tried to shape it in their way by force. The lesson here is that we all need to think rationally and communicate without being offensive, and think before one acts.

Also, I don’t get why did you make another lengthy reply if you knew that there is a chance that I would only walk away. And I also can’t understand why did you say it harshly (and you blacked everything out which gave me the idea that you literally can’t talk about your point without being “harsh and offensive”). Any “point” can be made without “offensive content” as long as it is not personal, and no legit point has to be “personal” if we only focus on the issue. (Unless it’s the “bursting the bubble” type, but I don’t think I am immature enough for that, and we don’t really knew each other online so I don’t think that is the case.)
Anyway, wish you have a good rest at night knowing that we can move on.:twilightsmile:(I know I will)

I won't sugarcoat it, this reply is going to be harsh and probably offensive. Steer away from it and end this conversation if you can't take it, like how you steered away from my rant and as a result missed a lot of my arguments.

I know what you want. You want order. You want people to discuss things the way you like, to stay on topic all the time and only say things that make sense. You only want criticism that is constructive. You want people to not complain and just do things better. All of which is perfectly understandable. So again it comes down to this: how to you plan to change the community, to steer it towards your ideal direction? You said you were going to ask someone else's opinions in April, so what do you think now? Do you think being the comment section Batman is the way to go? Shall you intervene every time you see the phrase "on a completely unrelated note" in a comment section?

I still remember back in April when you said you sought to change the atmosphere because you thought the negativity was hurting the authors and driving them away. Now I'm the author and I won't try to prevent anyone saying anything under my comments section as long as they remain civilized, and I never downvote. I'm especially not bothered by a random remark I happened to make in order to try and be respectful to another person's opinion. I said this in that rant, and you probably did not see it, so I'll say it again:

They hate Season 9 so they hated my ending also, people may find this ridiculous but I can respect that. I just mentioned that part about my own experiences with Season 9 because I was trying to be respectful to them. It’s just a minor detail and it’s you who somehow think by adding this line I broke the most fundamental rule in the fandom.

You said you wanted to improve the atmosphere, so I'll remind you that the atmosphere in my comment section was perfectly good, no one was bothered, the commenter and I both remained civil and respectful. The commenter did not chose to reply so it was the end of the conversation, then you came along and started a new conversation which has been even less relevant. You meant well, sure. You wanted to be the Fimfiction vigilante, good. You had some successes with disrespectful comments before, nice. But here in my comment section you messed up. You tried to solve a problem that did not even exist beforehand. You wanted order but here you created more chaos. You said you wanted to make things better for authors and yet you're here arguing with me and making allusions that don't even make sense instead of speaking directly to the commenter that started it all because you said it yourself, I'm more suitable for that task. Then why are you here after I've already done my part, saying "hey what you did was wrong, let me show you the ropes"? Even excluding the part where I don't agree with your obsession with order, your actions don't match your words. And a reminder: I never shared this kind of obsession so I'm perfectly fine with arguing with you, spreading "irrelevancy" and "negativity" in the meantime. Become a mod and delete comments that you don't like for all I care but please refrain from openly educating authors how they should behave in their own comment section in the future. I find this kind of behavior distasteful and may not react cordially. Feel free to provide your counterarguments if you feel like it, I'm all ears.

Edit: try not to edit your comment too much after posting it. The people you're talking to might not see the edit and get confused. And seriously, don't use those allusions when you can just say you think I'm somehow behaving like a Red Guard by not staying positive and on-topic while allowing people to say what they want.

Ok, I suppose that my reply is still too long. Have some bite-sized opinions.
Bringing up unrelated-to-the-story things under the comments in general is not good, because it is distracting and pointless.

Expressing dislike about unrelated things is even worse because it brings the mood down.

Trying to change others is pointless, but we can mitigate the aftermath of their actions, so I try to stop the controversial topic from forming by using my logic.
(Which may start another fight but I just put the topic in a better direction and try to be clear and on-point, like under this Story

Time to pinpoint opinions:

please reply directly to that user if you want to berate them for their beliefs and actions. I don’t think they actually saw what you wrote.

I don’t believe having a conversation with them is good for me if they disliked the story for something as insignificant as that. I believe you are the more civil one of the bunch.

If you just care about the atmosphere of the fandom, I’m pretty sure that the comment section of my story isn’t a very active one, and that ultimately no one would care.

It is not about the story. I just wanted to make the atmosphere better.

Also, do you think someone who for some reason loved Season 9 and wrote a comment gushing about how the ending of my story was so good because it fitted the ending she liked would be “clogging up the comment section with unrelated stuff”? Just curious.

If it just make the story better for them then no, but if they start to talk about the show and lose focus on the story itself then yes(still, at least they are happy and wanted to spread the joy here, express about hating things make everyone unhappy).
(I don’t get why would you talk about how you lose interest about the show in the comments, it has nothing to do with the story)

Have one final part of that wacky metaphor: during the Great Cultural Revolution many great things happened, but that is made by enthusiasts who wanted to do better. Most of the “angry mob” caused only chaos and mayhem. So people should not act like that.

Also, I didn’t read what you refer to as “rant”, because I don’t want negativity affecting me so please excuse me if I missed out something.
Sorry I bothered you and caused the frustration. (I like debating but sometimes it takes up too much of my time.)
I suppose we can agree to disagree.

Edit: during this kind of occasion, I would talk first and try to direct the conversation in better way. If they are rude or talk nonsense to me, then I shall stop first. If we cannot reach an agreement after too much time, then I shall conclude my opinion in the simplest way I can think, and try to agree to disagree. Then, we can all move on.

The first part of this reply is a rant. Here goes.

And was your conversation about “no we can’t have this kind of unrelated discussion under a story it’s not good for the mood” anywhere near the point of my whole story? If you really stand by what you said you should have taken it to somewhere else long ago. I myself have no trouble with debating with people like this. It’s my story, my comment section (and now my profile page) and I can’t help but feel like you’re stepping out of the line by trying to emphasize how I should be careful with my own words where ultimately I’m not really bothering anyone else. Is it really so hard to just enjoy the story for what it’s worth instead of being bothered by the slightest of non-positivity in a not really so public place? I can not love a story for whatever reason, I can not love part of the show for whatever reason, I can speak about the so called negative stuff and be civilized and respectful in the same time, and I maintain everyone should have this right. They hate Season 9 so they hated my ending also, people may find this ridiculous but I can respect that. I just mentioned that part about my own experiences with Season 9 because I was trying to be respectful to them. It’s just a minor detail and it’s you who somehow think by adding this line I broke the most fundamental rule in the fandom. I seriously don’t get why you’re so adamant about this kind of stuff, but you’re bringing far more “unrelated” negativity than that person did. Not saying you did wrong or anything, I appreciate an open and meaningful conversation, it’s just an observation.

Now for the calmer reply: please reply directly to that user if you want to berate them for their beliefs and actions. I don’t think they actually saw what you wrote. If you just care about the atmosphere of the fandom, I’m pretty sure that my reply didn’t cause any kind of reaction from anyone but you, that the comment section of my story isn’t a very active one, and that ultimately no one would care. Also, do you think someone who for some reason loved Season 9 and wrote a comment gushing about how the ending of my story was so good because it fitted the ending they liked would be “clogging up the comment section with unrelated stuff”? Just curious. Sorry again for the frustration and negativity in my reply. Cheers.

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