• Member Since 6th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


didn't expect to find myself back here anytime soon!

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Thanks for writing it and for dropping by! I love fics that expand on the consequences of canon events in a realistic and sweet way and I think you nailed it!

Howdy! Just wanted to say thanks for adding The Enemy Within to your library. It really makes my day when I learn that someone enjoyed a story I wrote. :twilightsmile:

Here, have an awesome!

Comment posted by Bionic Slime deleted April 6th

Hello there, new user! Welcome to our wonderful site full of horse words, FiMFiction! :yay: Feel free to follow me, and I'll be your guide. If you ever have any questions, about our site, don't hesitate to drop me a PM. We all welcome you to FiMFiction and hope you enjoy yourself here! :twilightsmile:

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