This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
I hope you're having a good day, but if not, I hope it gets better :)
he/it/they | here for far too long; loves horror and darkness and philosophy. and smut
Been on and off this site since 2016 now, an avid fan of curious world-building and hopefully a horsefic writer myself (soon anyway) :D
╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚i chose this pfp bcuz JUST LOOK AT HER???!! AAAAHHh
Fluttershy is my favorite pony and she rocks and she is awesome too!
apples? we’ve got apples for sale! want some apple pie? apple crumble maybe? candy apples? apple tarts? apple juice? cider? sour apple candies? cyanide made from apple seeds?
I love it, but what I would love not to love, what I would like to hate; I still love, but against my will, in constraint, in tears, in suffering. Reviewer for Harmony reviews
Purveyor of Pony Parables & generally too-serious ponyfan; May spontaneously cease to exist upon being perceived.
"A fool thinks herself to be wise, but a wise mare knows herself to be a fool."
Ok maybe you're right, but has anyone seen Discord and Star Swirl in the same room together?
Male. Los Angeles, California. Hmm. I have a WPM of 65. Meh. Occasionally arts. Lord of Dorkness's #1 fan. User #26976. inb4 Crossover
I am Heartfire Firebrand, my previous account has become unaccessible so I will be using this one from here on out.
(any/all) amateur shipfic writer and popsicle enthusiast
All of this time I knew / that I'd be losing you. / That doesn't mean that it's ok; / that doesn't mean I'm ready.