I swear every time I blink this site has fifteen new features. Six months isn't /that/ long a time to blink, is it?
We also make visual novels/ games: https://thecrimsondm-vanillia.itch.io/ and pony comics: https://www.deviantart.com/thecrimsondm/gallery/93055802/stupid-poniez
This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.
80% Sarcasm, 10% Sex Jokes and 10% Unknown Materials...
My passions consume me https://ko-fi.com/crimsonwolf360 or https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4398966 if you wish to help them consume me further. Also I have a discord now https://discord.gg/BvKqTMEnjN
Writer of many kinks. And if you like futa, whooooo boy are you in for a treat. http://www.patreon.com/Drace
I'm an aspiring writer and filmmaker. Movies and comics are my biggest hobby.
Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.
What looks white when it's glad, red when it's sad and transparent when scared; sleeps through the night yet hides from the sun, won't give its name but pretends it's a bee and enjoys rollerskating?
I am brony chronicler, I chronicle the tales of the bronies (as well as write some of my own). If I like your story, I might read it on my youtube channel.
I'm an avid writer that enjoys creating human x pony romance stories. If you like what you've read, then perhaps you'd Buy Me A Coffee?
Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my ff.net account :) And please support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=319852&u=319852&ty=h
Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....
Story Approver and formerly sometimes writer. PM me if you have a Story-related question.
My writing slowly improves, I believe. I hope to be an even better writer tomorrow. Feel free to join my Discord.
I like ponies, books, writing books, books about ponies, and writing books about ponies.
A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)
I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.
Otaku anime and Manga. so much imagination to draw and write,
Sea Otter, Tempest domain Cleric, Gamer, Writer. Currently nestled out on the east coast, watching icebergs float past. Discord: Tundara's Fanfiction Forum
Stories about ponies are stories about people. Every challenge is an opportunity to change. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe
A Twilight Sparkle fanboy who also likes to write. The author of the Change series.
My friends call me Spectra! Everyone else says "Ah, how did this horse get in here!?"
Hey all, I'm billymorph, a semi-professional writer, self-published author and full-time pony fan. If you enjoy my work, please support me on Patreon!
Be who you are and do what you like. Those who mind won't matter and those who matter won't mind. ~Dr. Seuss~
Give me one reason Celestia isn't best pony. Pro tip: You can't
Artist behind FracturedLoyalty, Writer of Rocket To Insanity