• Member Since 16th Jul, 2023
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago




I don't want to be a filly, but being a colt is simply impossible.

Stupid spoiled filly, born with everything and still unsatisfied.

But what am I supposed to do? I can't just...

Nopony would accept that. Everypony would just think I'm a freak.

Please be warned that this is a pure sadfic and is not meant to be hopeful. This story is meant to highlight the sheer hopelessness that may be experienced by being trapped in the closet in an uncaring environment. As such, this may not be suitable for all readers.

CW: mild self-harm, transphobia, depression

Originally written for the Quills & Sofas 2024 Transgender Contest, 1st place.

Cover art clipped and edited from the show.

Thanks to darkcyan for prereading!

Chapters (1)

Zephyr Breeze is a worthless bum — a pony unable to root himself anywhere he drifts to, drowning his sorrows before he crawls back home to his parents once again.

He is nothing more than pony doomed to be torn apart by the winds of destiny dragging him from one city to the next.

Or is he?

Our Town is a settlement where ponies are finally, truly equal through casting aside their destiny and spitting in the face of fate.

In a dim, dingy bar, Double Diamond extends an offer to Zephyr.

Come join Our Town.

Come join our circle of friends, where you can finally be free.

Originally written for the 3nd round of the Quills & Sofas 2024 May Pairings knockout bracket.

Featured 6/4/24

Cover art by the wonderful Shaslan!

Chapters (1)

The pony you love is sometimes not the pony others expect or want you to be with. But that doesn’t mean you can stop loving them — even when the world tears you apart.

Originally written for the 2nd round of the Quills & Sofas 2024 May Pairings knockout bracket.

Also, my submission for the site-wide 2024 May Pairings contest.

Cover art by the wonderful Shaslan!

Chapters (1)

How can a pony move on after they lose everything?

How can they come to terms when faced with the reality that they may no longer be able to return to their old life?

Spitfire finds herself critically injured and hospitalized. How can the captain of the Wonderbolts — a pegasus proud to soar across the wide blue sky — deal with finding herself unquestionably grounded?

Expanded from my entry to the Quills & Sofas Spitfire contest, tied for first place.

Also an entry into the 2024 Wonderbolts Site Contest.

Special thanks to Drider for pre-reading!

Cover art by 1662222 on pixabay, edited.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara regrets many things in her life. She meets with Apple Bloom, by chance, at a Manehattan coffee shop and pours her heart out to her old enemy-turned-friend.

Sometimes life just doesn't turn out like how you want it.

Originally written for Quills and Sofas' 2024 Hearts & Hooves speedwriting contest. Heavily edited from the original version.

Thanks to ScreamQueen3 for prereading.

Cover art by qimono on pixabay, edited.

Chapters (1)

Beneath the wan light of the moon, the Beast hunts for her prey.

For us.

My siblings and I must retrieve the sacred sword Sundrop and fell the Beast before it is too late.

Before Equestria falls beneath her wicked hoof.

Thanks to GreyTheGriffon for prereading / proofreading.

Utterly gorgeous cover art by Princeling.

Chapters (1)

You found my book in the library. Cracking the cover, you found me waiting for you inside.

My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am trapped in my book and need your help to get out of here. I'd do anything to get out of here.

Please help me.

You have to help me.


Featured 2/6/24 — 2/10/24
Featured on Equestria Daily 2/9/24

Thanks to ScreamQueen3 for looking over and providing feedback on this story ahead of time!

Cover art clipped from Season 5 Episode 12 Amending Fences.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck has decided to move to Ponyville to be with her two sisters. Fed up with city life, she is ready to kick back and enjoy the slow and calm countryside life.

There's just a tiny problem with the house she's looking at buying. It's nothing though. It's really nothing. There's just a lot of closet space — too much closet space.

Is she just overreacting, or is it actually weird to have an endless void in your closet?

Featured 1/15/24 — 1/17/24

Cover art from the MLP CCG — Canterlot Nights #79.

Chapters (1)